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Flia/Small talk

25 bytes added, 19:38, 9 August 2020
Added gift data
* Loves Rare Recipes and Knowledge {{Hint|A level 20 Calligraphy recipe was worth +93, Lvl 40 Leatherworking only +7! Mystery Jerky Recipe +4, Mock 4 +36, On Becoming Great Again +90, Sword:Riposte 3 +109.8 (9% value), Sword:Precision Pierce 5 +207.0 (9% value), Sword: Riposte 7 +295.7}}
* Likes Items With Interesting History {{Hint|Lost Currency +133, Ancient Gold Coin +54.0 (9% value), Ivory Horn + 45, Ancient Silver Coin +27.0, Ancient Bronze Coin +15, Brass Figurine +1}}
* Likes Potions {{Hint|Minor Panacea +440, Un-Pig Juice +120, Sword Lord Potion +50, Recuperative Honey Potion +42, Regeneration Potion +20, Power Potion +2.0}}

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