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User:Alleryn/Sandbox/Sidebar Abilities

1 byte added, 09:14, 7 September 2020
*This table is missing at least the abilities in [[Crossbow]], [[Sigil Scripting]], and [[Survival Instincts]], as well as abilities in [[Armor Patching]], [[First Aid]], and [[Endurance]]. For some reason they do not have a "CanGoOnSidebar" attribute in abilities.json.
* Spontaneous Fireball is also missing, as well as at least some other abilities that are classified under "Unknown" ([[Unknown/AbiliiesAbilities]]), such as Brain Scrub.
*It's possible other things are missing that should be here. If you notice something, please let me know.
*I have a few irons in the fire, so i probably won't finish this soon, but eventually i'll make a Sidebar page with this table, a list of things that can effect the number of sidebar slots, etc.

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