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Severe Agoraphobia

8 bytes added, 05:13, 14 September 2020
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{{DISEASE infobox
| name = Severe Agoraphobia
| description = You've become so afraid of the outdoors that you periodically suffer anxiety bursts. Staying indoors is comforting, however. Periodically suffer -50 Power outdoors. Periodically gain +10 Power indoors. This is a permanent curse; you must defeat Ratkin King [SqUUeak ] to remove it.
| type = Curse
| curse = Ratkin King (SqUUeak)
[[Severe Agoraphobia]] is a [[Curse]].
==== Cures ====
* Defeat [[Ratkin King (SqUUeak)]]
==== Sources ====
* Rage attack or defeat by [[Ratkin King (SqUUeak)]].

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