Old information temporarily lost, but will be replaced shortly. Bot added info for v337. Contact User:Alleryn for issues concerning this bot edit.
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Gulagra's Sigil Key
<!-- Add a brief description of the item. This can be anything as long as it is relevant, but mentioning skills might be a good idea. You can just add the in-game description here until something else is written! -->== How to Obtain ==<!-- Include any general information about obtaining the item here. If there is a single extremely standard method of obtaining an item, include that here. Often no information needs to be added here.Example:Grow from an [[Gulagra's Sigil KeyOnion Seedling]] via [[Gardening]] is .-->===Producing with Recipes===<!-- v337 --><!-- This section has been added automatically by a key used to access the bot. Please contact [[Dark ChapelUser:Alleryn]] dungeon (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->None.=== Obtaining through Bartering ===<!--Example:Barter {{Item|Fire Dust}} x1 to [[EltibuleGretchen Salas]]for {{Item|Oak Wood}} x4.-->=== How to Obtain Purchasing ===<!-- Add as much information as you have available. Include incomplete information.Example line:* Found by opening a hidden treasure chest [[Sammie Grimspine]] in central [[Serbule Hills]] for 75 councils. Requires {{Favor|Close Friends}}.-->=== Drops ===<!-- Include items dropped from monsters, as well as those obtained through skinning, butchering, skull extraction, etc.Example section:;[[Eltibule]]* [[Fire Rat]], sometimes drops 1 [[Fire Dust]]* [[Fire Spider]], often drops as much as 3-5 [[Fire Dust]].-->=== Gathering ===<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit trees, mushroom patches, ice blocks, serbule crypt urnsExample line:* Drops Randomly from [[Crazed Cultist IdiotKur]] ice blocks.-->===Quest Rewards===<!-- v337 --><!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]]s(check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->None.=== Other Ways to Obtain === <!-- Add a subsection for any How to Obtain info not included above.Some possible subsections are==== Winter Holiday Gifts ====or=== Lore =Hang Outs ====-->== Uses ==<!-- Include any general information about using the item here. If there is a single extremely standard use for an item, include that here. Often no information needs to be added here.Example:Place and harvest after 1 minute to receive {{SpoilerItem|Note found alongside the key Beginner's Arrow Shafts}}.-->===Using in the chest, spoilers for opening Recipes===<!-- v337 --><!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[Dark ChapelUser:Alleryn]](check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error.-->{|{{QuoteSTDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}|source + style= Hidden Chest"text-align:left; width: 250px;" |[[Fae (Race Skill)]]Gulagra wants us ! Lvl !! Name !! Ingredients !! Results|-| 1 || Turn Junk Into Crystal Ice || [[:Category:Items/VendorTrash|Miscellaneous Junk]] x1 || |}===Gifting===<!-- v337 --><!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to find the man who took the ghostuser page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. I-->{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}! NPC !! Location !! Preferences|- style="background:#9EF24A;"| [[Corey The Croaker]] || The [[Winter Nexus]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/VendorTrash|Vendor Trash]])|- style="background:#9EF24A;"| [[Way]] || [[Myconian Cave]] in Serbule || Likes ([[:Category:Items/VendorTrash|Vendor Trash]])|- style="background:#9EF24A;"| [[Mushroom Jack]] || Serbule Keep in [[Serbule]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/VendorTrash|Vendor Trash]])|- style="background:#F24A4A;"| [[Suspicious Cow]] || Wandering Northeast of Eltibule Keep in [[Eltibule]] || Hates ([[:Category:Items/VendorTrash|Vendor Trash]])|- style="background:#F24A4A;"| [[Helena Veilmoor]] || [[Hogan've prepared everything. There are s Keep]] in Eltibule || Hates ([[:Category:Items/VendorTrash|Vendor Trash]])|}=== Bartering Uses ===<!--Example:Give 3-4x {{Item|Brain Bug Lobe}}, along with 2-3x {{Item|Brain}} to [[Zeratak]] in exchange for a hundred moonstones herechoice of equipment. Take one-->=== Selling ===<!-- Include information for npcs who buy this item at full value with sufficient favor. Offer Do not list general vendors; instead include the line {{General Buyers}} at the moonstone to bottom of the weird statueslist. The proper statue will eat your moonstone. Offer your sigil key to that statueExample:Purchased at full value by:* [[Sir Coth]]{{General Buyers}}-->===Consumption=======Direct Consumption====<!-- Include this section if an item can be consumed, and you'll arrive in document the caveeffects providing as much information as possible. Bring Example:Drinking a shovelHealing Potion instantly restores 75 health and consumes 25 metabolism. Dig dig dig goes the supplicant-->====Ability Consumption====<!-- v337 --><!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. When your hands are ruined, dig Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with your face. Never stop digging until contact info) if you reach the sanctumbelieve this section is in error. Gulagra will punish all-->None. Then all will be forgiven===Quest Fulfillment===<!-- v337 --><!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Scrawled at the bottom Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is another note: ONLY TAKE ONE MOONSTONE, YOU IDIOTSin error. -->None.=== Other Uses ===<! Otherwise the other supplicants won-- Add a subsection for any uses that don't be able to get fit inabove sections.====Example Subsection Heading====Example subsection.-->== Lore ==<! Fucking anarchists -- Add quotes or any other in-game lore that mentions the item.Example:{{Quote|source=[[Velkort]]|Ah yes. The secretions of fire elementals and other fiery beasts. Quite valuable. I will part with some of mine if you complete a few favors for me. Beyond that, you can't follow directions to save their.obtain it by seeking out creatures that are naturally on fire.For instance, look for fire spiders in the Eltibule region.}}{{Quote|source=[[Work Order for Fire Dust]]|Rumor has it that Fire Dust can be found all over the place in Serbule and Eltibule. You are very lucky! It is not so common here in Verta.}}-->[[<!--Category:Register of Lore]]tags are added automatically by the ITEM infobox-->