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Crafting Caravan

99 bytes added, 07:20, 25 September 2020
June 2019 Caravan
A roaming caravan of miscellaneous master crafters and their apprentices have made a stop at the Red Wing Casino for a few days of rest, relaxation, restocking and a chance to study some of the local crafts. They have rented the Theater Room for their staging area. Go pay them a visit and see if they can help you advance your craft skills faster! All crafting tasks are repeatable every 12 hours while the event lasts. There is a Special Event Portal provided in Serbule near the north gate of the Keep. Enjoy!
:''' Cooking Basic''' - 1600 XP per task.
:''' Cooking Master''' - 8000 XP per task.
:''' Cooking Apprentice''' - 4800 XP per task.
:''' Cooking Expert''' - 11000 XP per task. (18 hour cd)
:''' Toolcrafting Master''' - XP per task.
:''' Toolcrafting Apprentice''' - 4800 XP per task.

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