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Sewer Rat

10 bytes removed, 08:01, 4 November 2024
== Miscellaneous ==
|'''Skin''':|{{ItemHeader|Shoddy Animal Skin[[Skinning]]}}
|'''Meat''':{{item|Shoddy Animal Skin}}|- {{Header|[[Butchering]]}}|-|{{ItemLoot|Sinewy Beast Meat}}|- {{Header|[[Butchering|Skull Extraction]]}}|-|{{Loot|Small Animal Skull}}|- {{Header|[[Butchering#Butchering Mechanics|Butchering Bonus]]}}|-|{{Loot|Rib Bone}}
|{{Item|Small Animal Skull}}
== Reported Loot ==
==== General Loot ====
|{{ItemLoot|Mogyar CheeseAncient Bronze Coin}}|{{Loot|Bluebell Seeds}}|{{ItemLoot|Rat ToothCave Cheese}}|{{ItemLoot|Rat TailGrass}}
|{{ItemLoot|SaltLarge Strawberry}}|{{ItemLoot|Ancient Bronze CoinRat Tail}}|{{ItemLoot|GrassRat Tooth}}|{{Loot|Red Apple}}
|{{ItemLoot|Salt}}|{{Loot|Shoddy Phlogiston}} x2-5|{{Loot|Watercress}}|}'''Equipment (Level 7)'''{||{{Loot|Amulet of Max Armor +5}}|{{Loot|Ring of Booming}}|{{Loot|Ring of Gusty Striking}}|}'''Augments (Level 5)'''{||{{Loot|Chest Augment}}|{{ItemLoot|Large StrawberryMain-Hand Augment}}
| name = Sewer Rat
| level to tame= 2
| max level = 80
| max bond level = 80
| max happiness = 100
| max enthusiasm = 10
| attack =
<span class="extimage32px">{{Combat Ability icon|RatBite}}</span> Rat Bite (Crushing Damage)
<span class="extimage32px">{{Combat Ability icon|RatClaw}}</span> Rat Claw (Slashing Damage)
| sic em = <span class="extimage32px"></span> Rat De-Rage (Reduce Rage)
| clever trick = <span class="extimage32px"></span> Rat Poison Vuln (Debuff Poison Vulnerability)
| bonus = Evasion
| weaknesses = Fire, Electricity
| resists = Trauma
| profile =AIP:GiantRat Pet
{{MOB AHVital

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