Updating drops, v380
=== Drops ===
<!-- Include items dropped from monstersTo add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. --><dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as well loot, or may not exist as those obtained through skinninglootcategory = Loot/Mind Enhancement Gemmode = unorderedcolumns = 1include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", butcheringMonster, skull extraction, etcLocation</dpl>* [[Augmented Mantis Slave]] in [[Serbule]].Example section:* [[Psychic Mantis]] in [[Serbule]].;* [[Enhanced Mantis Slave]] in [[Eltibule]].* [[Fire RatMantis Mentalist]], sometimes drops 1 in [[Serbule Crypt]] and [[Fire DustCarpal Tunnels]].* [[Fire SpiderMantis Genius]], often drops as much as 3-5 in [[Fire DustGoblin Dungeon]].-->* [[Gluzax]] in [[Serbule]].
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit
===Using in Recipes===
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{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
! Lvl !! Name !! Ingredients !! Results
| 19 || Aiming Potion || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5226.png</span> [[Feathers]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5318.png</span> [[Mind Enhancement Gem]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5010.png</span> [[Bottle of Water]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5883.png</span> [[Aiming Potion]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5009.png</span> [[Empty Bottle]] x1
| 20 || Ferocity Juice || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5351.png</span> [[Ambient Magic Sponge]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5318.png</span> [[Mind Enhancement Gem]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5986.png</span> [[Toxic Sludge]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5430.png</span> [[Ferocity Juice]] x1
| 40 || Cranium Balm || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5990.png</span> [[Brain Bug Lobe]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5157.png</span> [[Willpower Gel]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5343.png</span> [[Heartshroom]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5318.png</span> [[Mind Enhancement Gem]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5281.png</span> [[Cranium Balm]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5009.png</span> [[Empty Bottle]] x1
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
! Lvl !! Name !! Ingredients !! Results
| 0 || Beginner's Augury || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5013.png</span> [[Salt]] x5<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Basic Augury || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5013.png</span> [[Salt]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5659.png</span> [[Incense]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Advanced Augury || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5659.png</span> [[Incense]] x3<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Expert Augury || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5659.png</span> [[Incense]] x6<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 ||
| 0 || Perceive Spawn Premonitions (3 2 secs) || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5659.png</span> [[Incense]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5213.png</span> [[Topaz]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 || Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 3 2 seconds before they actually appear.<br>The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.
| 0 || Perceive Spawn Premonitions (5 4 secs) || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5659.png</span> [[Incense]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v338v353/icons/icon_5213.png</span> [[Topaz]] x2<br>[[:Category:Items/CorpseTrophy|Corpse Trophy]] x1 || Perform a mind-altering ritual so that you can perceive newly-spawned monsters 5 4 seconds before they actually appear.<br>The effect does not wear off, but whenever you die there's a 5% chance that it will end.
Also can be used in any recipes which call for:
===Quest Fulfillment===
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{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
=====Work Order=====
Turn in 10x [[Mind Enhancement Gem]] to [[Fitz the Boatman]] for 869 councils. Requires [[Industry]] Level 0.
=== Other Uses ===
<!-- Add a subsection for any uses that don't fit in above sections.