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The Origin of 'Tast's Pack'

588 bytes added, 22:39, 14 October 2020
Updating infobox to game version v338
{{About|Description=Item|Destination=The Origin of 'Tast's Pack' (Item)}}
{{Lorebooks infobox
| title = The Origin of 'Tast's Pack'
| lochint= Found in random loot
| category= Gods
| area= N/A
| visibility= Ghosted Until Found
[[The Origin of 'Tast's Pack']] is a [[Lorebook]] (rumored to be) found in random loot{{ITEM infobox
|name = The Origin of 'Tast's Pack'
|description = The title is dull, but the cover art suggests something... less dull. However, someone has torn out the front half of the book, leaving only appendices.
|value = 200
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 1
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Document}}{{KW|Scroll}}</p>
{{Lorebooks infobox

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