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Anagoge Island

1 byte added, 20:54, 26 November 2020
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| pclevel = 1-10
{{Quote| source = Welcome Message |
Welcome! This is a game about exploration, and your first task is to find a way off this island. We'll give you 60 seconds of combat training and then set you off to explore on your own.
There's a backpack nearby with some useful stuff. Pick it up!
[[Anagoge Island]] is a remote storm-blown island off the coast of the Council Lands of [[Alharth]]. Few sailors are willing to tempt the treacherous waters, preferring to stick to the coast of the nearby [[Serbule]] region. In recent years, an increased number of mind-wiped adventurers have been showing up in [[Serbule]] and the surrounding duchies. Many of these individuals claim to have washed ashore on [[Anagoge]] with nothing but the clothes on their back. While mostly barren, [[Anagoge Island]] is rumored to have been the site of a Council Academy for those deemed [[Prodigy|Prodigies]]. Unlucky sailors report that ruins dot the coastline, and a lighthouse marks the center of the island. Marooned Adventurers who attempt to swim off the island will be met with deadly sharks and strong currents.
[[Anagoge Island]] is the starting area in Project:Gorgon for [[Human|Humans]], [[Elven|Elves]], and [[Rakshasa]]. You will have the opportunity to learn a few basic skills before reaching the neighboring lands of [[Serbule]] and [[Serbule Hills]]. There are two methods to leave the island, although it is advised to find the island's inhabitants first.
Welcome to the region of [[Serbule]]!}}
{{Quote| source = Welcome Message |
Welcome! This is a game about exploration, and your first task is to find a way off this island. We'll give you 60 seconds of combat training and then set you off to explore on your own.
There's a backpack nearby with some useful stuff. Pick it up!
[[Anagoge Island]] is a remote storm-blown island off the coast of the Council Lands of [[Alharth]]. Few sailors are willing to tempt the treacherous waters, preferring to stick to the coast of the nearby [[Serbule]] region. In recent years, an increased number of mind-wiped adventurers have been showing up in [[Serbule]] and the surrounding duchies. Many of these individuals claim to have washed ashore on [[Anagoge]] with nothing but the clothes on their back. While mostly barren, [[Anagoge Island]] is rumored to have been the site of a Council Academy for those deemed [[Prodigy|Prodigies]]. Unlucky sailors report that ruins dot the coastline, and a lighthouse marks the center of the island. Marooned Adventurers who attempt to swim off the island will be met with deadly sharks and strong currents.
[[Anagoge Island]] is the starting area in Project:Gorgon for [[Human|Humans]], [[Elven|Elves]], and [[Rakshasa]]. You will have the opportunity to learn a few basic skills before reaching the neighboring lands of [[Serbule]] and [[Serbule Hills]]. There are two methods to leave the island, although it is advised to find the island's inhabitants first.

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