|basemods = {{Attribute|MAX_INVENTORY_SIZE|+1}}
Updating infobox, v406
|name = Moldy Ancient Sword
|description = Well, it's still got a pointy end and a handle. It should work fine.
|value = 19
|extra = {{Spoiler|
| equipslot = MainHand
| stack = 1
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Equipment}}{{KW|Loot}}{{KW|MainHand}}{{KW|SwordSharpenableWeapon}}</p><p>{{KW|Sword}}{{KW|Weapon}}</p>
<!-- Add a brief description of the item. This can be anything as long as it is relevant, but mentioning skills might be a good idea. You can just add the in-game description here until something else is written! →-->
The basic starter sword.
== How to Obtain ==
=== Obtaining through Bartering === <!-- This section may be removed if the item is obviously not barterable, e.g. a quest item. Otherwise, leave Leave blank if information is unknown or change text to "None" if it is known there is no way to acquire this item via barter with an NPC -->
<!-- Unknown. -->
=== Purchasing === <!-- This section may be removed if the item is obviously not purchasable, e.g. a quest item. Otherwise, leave Leave blank if information is unknown or change text to "None" if it is known there is no way to acquire this item via purchase from an NPC -->
<!-- Usually use list format. If you are an advanced user and the list is long, consider table format instead. When adding information include as much information as you have: additional sellers, required favor, cost, etc.-->
<!-- Unknown. -->
=== Drops === <!-- This section may be removed if the item is obviously not obtainable from To add drops, e.g. a quest item. Otherwise, leave blank if information is unknown or change text to "None" if modify the relevant mob page and it is known there is no way will automatically be added to acquire this item via monster drop or via skinning, butchering, skull extraction, etcthe following table. If adding an --><dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not looted from a corpse, put it in Gatheringbeen submitted by an editor as loot, or may not Drops.exist as lootcategory = Loot/Moldy Ancient Swordmode = unorderedcolumns = 1include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Monster, Location</dpl>=== Gathering ===<!-- UnknownInclude items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit trees, mushroom patches, ice blocks, serbule crypt urnsExample line:* Randomly from [[Kur]] ice blocks. -->
===Quest Rewards=== <!-- Add heading only. Contents will be added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] if section contents are missing. -->
=== Other Ways to Obtain === <!-- Always include this section. Add a subsection for any How to Obtain info not included above. Some possible subsections here include are==== Winter Holiday Gifts ====or ==== Hang Outs ====-->
*[[:Category:Items/MainHand|Items Wielded in the Main Hand]]
=== Gifting === <!-- Add heading only. Contents will be added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] if section contents are missing. --><!-- v337 v350 -->
<!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Eleme]] || The Fairy Tree in [[Sun Vale]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Sword|Swords]] and [[:Category:Items/Loot|Loot]])
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Gerrux]] || Old Town in [[Povus]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Sword|Swords]] and [[:Category:Items/Loot|Loot]])
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Malvol]] || [[Hogan's Basement]] in Eltibule || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Sword|Swords]] and [[:Category:Items/Loot|Loot]])
=== Bartering Uses === <!-- This section may be removed if the item is obviously not barterable, e.g. a quest item. Otherwise, leave Leave blank if information is unknown or change text to "None" if it is known there is no way to use this item to barter with an NPC -->
<!-- Unknown. -->
=== Selling === <!-- This section may be removed if the item is obviously not sellable, e.g. a quest item. Otherwise, leave Leave blank if information is unknown or change text to "None" if it is known there is no way to sell this item to an NPC. In most cases, add the {{General Buyers}} template instead of listing all the npcs who buy almost all items (Marna, Otis, etc). Exceptions include if General Buyers do not buy the item (e.g. Buckles), or if the item is very expensive.-->
<!-- Unknown. -->
===Consumption=== <!-- Always include this header. -->
====Direct Consumption====
<!-- Include this section if an item can be consumed, and document the effects providing as much information as possible.
Drinking a Healing Potion instantly restores 75 health and consumes 25 metabolism.
====Ability Consumption==== <!-- Add heading only. Contents will be added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] if section contents are missing. -->
===Quest Fulfillment=== <!-- Add heading only. Contents will be added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] if section contents are missing. --><!-- v337 v352 -->
<!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->
{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
| [[Holistic Wellness: Hold Gear]] || 40 (Have any [[:Category:Items/Equipment|Pieces of Equipment]]) || 12 Hours || Unknown || Despised || Rahu ||
| [[Halloween Event: Kill Ratkin Skeletons With Excessive Swords]] || 20 (Have any [[:Category:Items/Sword|Swords]]) || 80 Days || Unknown || Unknown || Unknown ||