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Guild:Merchant Princes

6 bytes removed, 13:21, 6 April 2021
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<center> '''The Merchant Princes''': From an Italian merchant family, the Medicis</center>
=== Backstory and Focus ===In most games with good crafting systems, many of the crafts become heavily interdependent and complex. The guild was originally created in part to help combat this as well as provide a place for up and coming crafters to ask questions and get started with their craft.
The Merchant Princes named after Lorenzo of the [ Medici] family and stands for unity, family, and of course making money through crafting and trade of superior items.
=== Previous Chapters ===
The guildmasters met originally playing SWG and have started a variant of the guild/alliance/group/etc in almost every game they have played since. It has been called a few other names some games:
* Umbrella Corp: The "evil" version in a few games where a separation had to be made.
==== Future Chapters ====
Game with a unique and intricate crafting system? We will likely be there, or at least try out the game. If most of the end game gear is acquired through hard work from crafters, we will likely be there! If you find a game you think we should check out and do not see us there, reach out to us and let us know!
See you at the crafting benches!
See you at the crafting benches!
[[Category:Player Guild]]

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