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Talk:Main Page

5 bytes added, 14:59, 10 August 2021
Loot tables?: grammar fix
:Thank you Ransel; I hope i didn't rain on your parade too much. I do have one last idea i'd like to leave here for the future, which would be something like this:
:*Section called Old Loot Data where we could just cut and paste the data as it is now (for monster pages that don't have any zonal-differentiated info yet, which is most of them)
:*Followed by (empty) zone-by-zone sections like you had. This would give people could a place to enter any data they have for each particular zone, which i understand was your goal (and i think a very positive one) to begin with.
:This would have the benefit of retaining all the old info while starting the transition to the new style for anyone who wants to enter data. I know this contradicts what i said above that i thought it would be preferable to gather the info outside of the wiki. That was motivated by wanting to avoid too much clutter/duplication of info on the pages, but hopefully this new(ish, i guess it's similar to some of the suggestions above) suggestion is an improvement, for whenever we decide to get the ball rolling on this. On my end, I'm fairly sure i can help with some of this, probably even automate the transition to this style if desired, at some point in the future, but right now i'm unable to devote the time unfortunately.
:In any case, thank you for taking the initiative on this matter. I think it is a worthy endeavor that would remove a lot of ambiguity from hunting for items.--[[User:Alleryn|Alleryn]] ([[User talk:Alleryn|talk]]) 15:59, 10 August 2021 (EDT)

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