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35 bytes removed, 11:49, 4 October 2014
Veteran MMO players will remember the infamous trains from classic MMO EverQuest. A "train" happens when a player flees danger in a dungeon, and the enemies chasing the player come in sight of other unsuspecting players who are then attacked. This problem is fairly minimal at present in Project: Gorgon but be aware that the mechanics allow for it. Don't be angry at other players! It is simply the mechanics of the game, and it could be argued it makes things a little more... interesting. To summarize, as As there is no experience penalty and also no loss of levels in the game (so far), trains are a train will at worst an annoyance (you may die and cause your character to respawn near in the entrance) and otherwise rather amusingof the dungeon.
==Dungeon Progression==

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