The easiest way to impart some Enthusiasm into your pet is to wear special equipment that boosts your pet's Enthusiasm. As with all pet-boosting equipment, you must be wearing the item before you summon the pet.
=== Combat XP Boost % ===
Some equipment can make a pet earn XP faster. This will be shown as a Combat XP Boost when you examine the pet. But note that the pet's Happiness still plays a big role in determining the actual amount of XP they earn.
=== Damage Boost & Damage Multiplier ===
A pet's Damage Boost is added to their attacks' damage. Then, the damage is multiplied by their Damage Multiplier (if any).
The pet's Damage Boost will naturally increase as it gains Pet Levels and Bond Levels. Both Damage Boost and Damage Multiplier can also be boosted when you wear certain equipment.