; [[Tiger]] Tamed at level 20: 71 armor, 185 health, 20 Dmg Slash / Slash.
: Special Abilities: Heavy Slash, Very Heavy Slash.
: Weak against: Fire, Poison, Trauma
: Resists: Nature.
; [[Old Fangsworth]] Tamed at level 20: 54 armor, 184 Health, 24 Dmg Slash / Slash. Named Tiger around Serbule.
: Special Abilities: Heavy Slash, Slash + root 9".
: Weak against: Fire, Poison, Trauma
: Resists: Nature.
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level 60 stats|Level 60: 197 Armor, 500 health, 98 Dmg.}}
; [[Razorslash Panther]] Tamed at level 45: 375 Armor, 400 Health, 63 Dmg, Slash / Slash.
: Special Abilities: Slash vulnerability debuff 12% 8", Slash + Root 8".
: Weak against: Poison, Trauma.
; [[Giant Razorslash Panther]] Tamed at level 60: 537 Armor, 496 Health, 148 Dmg, Slash / Slash.
: Special Abilities: Slash vulnerability debuff 15% 8", Slash + Root 9".
: Weak against: Poison, Trauma.
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level 70 stats|Level 70: 641 Armor, 786 health, 218 Dmg.}}
=== Felines ===
Animal Handlers who master Rats may wish to move onto something more ferocious, the [[Feline]]. Felines, also known as Big Cats, can be '''Charmed''' by Level 20+ Animal Handlers. Felines deal heavy slashing damage, but most are weak to poison.
; [[Panther]] Tamed at level 20: 71 Armor, 185 Health, 20 Dmg, Slash / Slash.
: Special Abilities: Slash vulnerability debuff, Very heavy Slash.
: Resists: Nature (very).
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level 60 stats|Level 60: 411 Armor, 426 Health, 93 Dmg.}}
category = Animal Handling Creatures
columns = 3
=== Bears ===
Bears are difficult to tame, requiring 40 Levels of [[Animal Handling]], but are loyal partners. Some bears deal heavy damage, while others act as tanks. Most bears are weak against Electricity and Acid damage.