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History of the Council.

Mastery of ancient knowledge.

Lore is a skill that represents your character's general knowledge of the world of Alharth. The skill increases by examining interactive objects in the world.

Leveling in Lore unlocks small, but permanent bonuses to elemental damage (fire/electricity) and max power.

The following items give Lore experience:

Stargazer : the telescope in Marna's shop
Globe : a globe of Alharth in the room behind
Esoteric Bookshelf : also in the same room
History of the Council : a book on the table near Hulon
Old Book : on a table near Kleave


Lore Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
3 Learn Recipe: Word of Power
5 Learn Recipe: Word of Power 3
6 (!) +1 to Fairy Magic
7 Learn Recipe: Word of Power 4
9 Learn Recipe: Word of Power 5