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178 bytes added, 14:18, 11 June 2015
Updated stats.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Undead
| armor = 0| health = 72| rage = 78| curse = ???Proper name needed still!| effective = Crushing, Fire| ineffective = Poison (Very), Trauma (Very)| immune = Darkness
'''Ursula''' is a fire mage boss, summoned by using a sarcophagi in upper [[Serbule Crypt]]. Her curse will plague you with weak clones of herself that hurl fireballs at you and spawn randomly anywhere you may travel. Kill her to remove this affliction.
==Reported Loot==
* ...Ursula's Bear (Quest item)
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Serbule Crypt Bosses]][[Category:Gorgon]]