Confronting Urzab

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Sona in New Prestonbule said, "I would like your help on a delicate subject. I need to know if the goblin Urzab had anything to do with what happened to me in the desert. He lives in Amulna.

There is a catch, however: he only speaks goblinese. Rick has confronted him, but Rick's goblinese is poor and he is not sure he understood everything. Do you happen to be fluent? If so, could you speak to Urzab about the attempt on my life?"


To start this quest, talk to Sona in New Prestonbule Cave. The quest is available at [Comfortable] favor.


I would like your help on a delicate subject. I need to know if the goblin Urzab had anything to do with what happened to me in the desert. He lives in Amulna.

There is a catch, however: he only speaks goblinese. Rick has confronted him, but Rick's goblinese is poor and he is not sure he understood everything. Do you happen to be fluent? If so, could you speak to Urzab about the attempt on my life?


  • Speak with Urzab
  • Talk to Sona

Response to player



Rewards for Confronting Urzab