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Mummy Rotter

Revision as of 14:03, 28 April 2022 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs)
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Oh, what do you WANT already!? Just get out of my tomb!

Main Page Headers Bg.png
Mummy Rotter
File:Mummy Rotter.png
Fire, Psychic, Electricity, Acid
Slashing, Piercing, Nature
Very Ineffective:
Crushing, Darkness, Trauma
Mummy Rotters are malevolent reanimated corpses. Exposure to the fumes released by their rage attack can cause ailments.


War Cache
Vitals: Health 1569 Armor 1969 Rage 1358
Location: War Cache M-1, M-2, M-3
Windy View Cave
Vitals: Health 2778 Armor 1194 Rage 1910
Location: Windy View Cave
Vitals: Health 2778 Armor 1194 Rage 1910
Location: Northwest region of Gazluk Plateau
Time Conditions: Warden Alert

Combat Abilities

icon_2119.png Crushing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_3558.png Burst Heavy Nature Damage


Reported Loot


Windy View Cave/Gazluk Plateau

Level 65 Equipment


- Your flesh seems weak and bruises very easily. You take 33% more damage from Crushing attacks. This is a complex disease. It is permanent until cured.
- You feel nauseated and can't seem to concentrate. -10% Max Power. This is a complex disease. It is permanent until cured.
- Your muscles have atrophied. Your melee attacks deal -10% damage. This is a complex disease. It is permanent until cured.
- Something is wrong with your foot. It hurts too much to carry your full weight! -33% Sprint Speed. This is a complex disease. It is permanent until cured.