Gender Studies
“A careful exploration of gender roles and sexuality, focusing on Human, Elven, and Rakshasa cultures. This knowledge is not directly applicable to combat or crafting, but it helps you to be a well-rounded individual.
Gender Studies Overview
Gender Studies is a partially implemented skill.
In-Game Description
A careful exploration of gender roles and sexuality, focusing on Human, Elven, and Rakshasa cultures. This knowledge is not directly applicable to combat or crafting, but it helps you to be a well-rounded individual.
Training Gender Studies
Gender Studies may be discovered through a number of random experience granting methods.
- Earning experience through a
- Earning experience through Corpse Talking
- From a lemon during the Suspicious Lemons event
Connected Skills
- N/A
Secondary Skills:
- N/A
Related Skills:
- N/A
Synergy Levels:
Bonus Synergy Levels for Gender Studies can be obtained from the following skills and levels:
- Nature Appreciation
- Level 50
Gender Studies Level Up Rewards
Level | [Expand] Reward |
Gender Studies Experience Table
Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Gender Studies
Gender Studies was added at the same time as Demon Anatomy.