Lost Notus Record

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Lost Notus Record
A lost notebook by the prolific Council scribe Notus, who spent years devising innovative ways to catalog the world's knowledge. How these notebooks came to be 'lost' is a mystery, but a persistent rumor suggests that Notus himself threw them out in the street in disgust: too many petitioners refused to do their own research despite his excellent indexes. He soon regretted his actions, but the notebooks were already gone. Notus himself denies any such indiscretion and suggests that perhaps goblin cat-burglars stole the missing notebooks.
Grants XP in whatever topic this particular notebook covers
Value: 250

Lost Notus Record is a XP granting book named for the player BetaNotus. It will grant 250 XP in any skill your character might be able to learn. Sometimes it will appear to do nothing, if the skill the book randomly selects has already been maxed. Skills locked behind permanent choices will not be selected if you do not have those skills. However, it can increase skills such as Giant Phrenology even if you have not learned Phrenology. If you are not a Druid, you will never get XP for Druid. On the other hand, you can learn skills such as Demon Anatomy through the use of a Lost Notus Record.

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering



Monster [Expand] Location
Angry Wild Turkey Povus
Disease-Crazed Giant Bat Gazluk Keep
Endangered Cave Hippo Rahu Sewer
Gargoyle Gazluk Keep
Gargoyle Vidaria
Hippo Sun Vale
Hippo Sacrificial Sea Cave
Hippo Povus Caves
Hippo Vidaria
Horrific Ghost Gazluk
Horrific Ghost Windy View Cave
Horrific Ghost No-Name Cave
Horrific Ghost Ilmari
Mature Icebeak Gazluk
Mature Icebeak Gazluk
Onkara War Trooper Rahu
Sacrificial Hippo Sacrificial Sea Cave
Striga Veinmaster Gazluk Keep
Swamp Ass Povus
Tun-Urak Gazluk
Tun-Urak Gazluk Keep
Tundra Bear Gazluk
Xedrite-Sickened Cave Hippo War Cache


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes



NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Azalak The Housing Complex in Northern Serbule Likes (Books)
Echur Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Books)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment


Other Uses


  • Although the Lost Notus Record may be gifted to any NPC that likes Books or Documents, it is encouraged to return the items to the scribe who lost them. You will not receive any [Favor Level] increase for this action.
  • This was the third item to be dedicated to a player.