Words of Power

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Words of Power can be fun!

Words of Power are randomly-generated sequences of phonemes. (For example, ‘Twimjot’, ‘Fledbydpal’, or ‘Chruggomdye’. The’re gibberish, but not completely random letters, so you can kind of figure out how they would be pronounced.)[1] There are five levels of Words of Power at this time. Each harboring different effects, or varying degrees of power for some effects.

Once you are given a word of power recipe you have to go into the crafting menu, then into the lore menu to make the word puzzle. Once you get the letters for the puzzle write them down. If you don't, when they disappear you cant be bring them up a second time.

To use a Word of Power, just type the solution into the chat window (preferably nearby chat /n ). When spoken aloud, the word’s power is triggered and the word is used up, replaced with a new word. Words of Power only ever work once.

Power words must be MANUALLY recorded to either the notepad in the quest log or some outside document or is LOST FOREVER! (suggest to write it down in the Quest window notepad, that way you can quickly cut and paste it to chat when you are ready to use it).

By design (from Forum post of the Dev's) the discovered words are NOT locked per person. A word discovered by one player can be discovered shortly after by another player. When either of the players use the word, that word will be reset and will not be useable by another player. (It will be lost to the other player).


Level 0 Words of Power can be very useful to new players. It often produces Teleports which will save time travelling (and even after learning Teleportation it may be a cheaper alternative to using up your Amethysts). Unlike Level 2, which produces lots of questionable effects like Leprosy or Fear of Water ... Level 0 tend to produce mostly useful effects. They are pretty cheap to produce and the Crab Meat can be processed from Raw Crab without a Cooking Stove nearby (ie. when you fish crab).


TODO : add Marna, Flia, Elahil's stuff to the table. Helena Veilmoor (Word of Power 5) Hangout (Gang of mantises)

Recipe Lvl Ingredients Description
Word of Power 0 x1 x1 x1 Learned automatically through the Lore skill.
0 x1 x1 x1 Attempt to research and discover a two-syllable Word of Power, and write it into a sealed scroll for safe keeping.
Word of Power 2 3 x1 x1 x1 Discovered on random loot scrolls. [2]
4 x1 x1 x1 Attempt to research and discover a three-syllable Word of Power, and write it into a sealed scroll for safe keeping.
Word of Power 3 5 x1 x1 x1
Word of Power 4 7 x1 x1 x1
Word of Power 5 9 x1 x1 x1


Word of Power (Level 0)


Word of Power (Level 0)

Word of Power 2 (Level 3)


Word of Power 2 (Level 3)

Word of Power 3 (Level 5)


Word of Power 3 (Level 5)

Word of Power 4 (Level 7)


Words of Power 4 (Level 7)

Word of Power 5 (Level 9)


Word of Power 5 (Level 9)
