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Talk:NPC Template

Revision as of 07:49, 22 September 2014 by Gorgonzola (talk | contribs) (Reasoning for categories of NPCs.)
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Regarding NPC Categories

The basic categories I'm using atm. Feel free to make suggestions or criticism I am by all means a WikiMedia beginner.

[[Category:NPCs]] (the top level category)
[[Category:Serbule NPCs]] (within a given zone)
[[Category:Crypt NPCs]] (within a given dungeon)

NPC Likes

So here I figured at first I would make categories to help search. However a simple search of the wiki eg "prepared food" will show the articles, including relevant NPCs. So hmm.

But perhaps this could be of use later with the DynamicPageList tag? So we could have a table of all sorts of items and a dyn. page list (inline) of all NPCs that fall under.

For simplification purposes, I am currently using Likes always even if it says Loves in game, this is to avoid having separate categories for what is essentially the same (the further distincton is probably overkill).

Sometimes I have to make a call and simplify for example "Loves Skulls of All Types" can be simplified to "Likes Skulls" so in case there are other variants they will all fall under "who gives favor for my skulls?".

[[Category:Likes Snail Shells]]
[[Category:Likes Jewelry]]
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