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Revision as of 10:33, 24 September 2014 by Gorgonzola (talk | contribs) (General Gameplay Tips)


The Quest Log

The Quest window actually features three tabs that can be easily missed:

  • Quests and Favors: your typical quest log. As of the alpha it currently does not distinguish completed quests. However, a notification appears on the screen along with a distinctive sound whenever you progress on a quest objective.
  • Stuff to Do : provides a list of objectives with basic hints. This is a nice feature for players who want to try and discover a lot on their own. Note that many of those objectives are out of reach of a new player and will require some time to complete!
  • Notepad : an easily missed feature, the notepad lets you jot down notes in game, this can be useful to remember Power Words that you may want to use later.


An illustration of a typical adventurer's backpack.

The Inventory window can be resized however you want. The size of the items can be changed via Options > Gui and Windows > Inventory Item Icon Size.

As your character grows, you will gain additional Inventory slots through skills like Endurance (permanent), through certain recipes (this appears to be a temporary effect), and sometimes granted by item properties (also temporary).

The Sort option can be useful because the game currently does not allow to reorganize your backpack contents by drag and drop. The sort option will place all combat gear first (armor and weapons), which makes it easier to switch between weapons and armor as you switch between skills. Sometimes it can be useful also to drop items on the ground, then quickly pick them up, this will move them to the end of the inventory.

To drop an item click and drag the item towards the bottom of the inventory. Be aware that any items dropped in this way can be picked up by players nearby!

To split a stack of items left click the item while holding the shift key.

General Gameplay Tips

(section may move to a New Player Guide)

Crafting Basics

The first time you learn a new recipe you get a big bonus XP.


All merchants share one common mechanic: the better your relationship with them (through Favor), the bigger they money pool and the more they will pay for your items (so eventually you can sell loot at full value).

The 'Buy Used' tab shows items sold by other players! If you can afford it, you can often buy items required by a quest rather than craft/hunt/harvest everything on your own.


To fill a water bottle you can either activate a water well (eg. in Serbule) or similar object, but you can also simply stand in a body of water outdoors and right click an empty bottle.

You can milk cows in Serbule if you have an empty bottle (you can even milk player cows for better milk! *cough*).

Looting Corpses

Various looting options become available once you have the required tool in your inventory. Burying a corpse (to reduce the respawn time of the creature), skinning, butchering, and so on. See harvesting items. You will discover these as you explore and meet NPCs in Serbule, just keep an eye for those!

Save Everything!

Nearly everything that drops off enemies and harvestables are either useful in crafting or will earn you favor. As a new player make sure to use the "Small Talk" option with every new NPC you discover to learn about their likes and dislikes. Experiment by giving them appropriate gifts. This will give you over time an idea of what's worth holding onto.

If you still are not sure or want to hold onto stacks of items to gift later, store it with Hulon and start buying additional vault slots. You will be happy to have those stacks of items many levels later when you realize what they are for.

Storage Basics

Hulon in Serbule Keep is the vaultmaster. You can store items in the main "council storage", and you can also use the nearby chest which is meant to transfer items between your characters on the same account.

Seek Objective

Make sure to pick up all harvestables like mushrooms even if they don't seem useful yet. Leveling Foraging will unlock Seek Objective at level 5 which is an ability that will orient your character to face in the direction where your currently active quest objective is! (think "tracking" in good ol' EverQuest).

The Chat Window

Slash commands are typed in the console. These always start with a forward slash, /like /this.


Ghost chat is a really nice feature that reduces clutter and adds a little immersion, although it is not as useful if you like to chat a lot! To enable ghost chat simply click the little red cross. That is click the window close button instead of using the chat toggle key. From there on, the chat will pop up when someone talks, and will disappear after a few seconds. You can configure how long the ghost-chat should last in Options > GUI and Windows, along with the transparency level.

Chat & social

The default message mode is showed in the chat window input area. Left click it to cycle between 'GLOBAL', 'NEARBY' and 'GROUP'.

/g morning! Send a message on the global chat (across all game zones)
/n hello Talk to nearby players so they can hear you say 'hello'
/p hello Talk to your current group members and say 'hello'
/r hello Reply to whoever last talked to you with /t
/t Bob hi Tell player 'Bob' the message 'hi'
/incognito Go into (or out of) hiding from social features
/ignore Show all players that you're ignoring
/ignore Bob Ignore all communication from player 'Bob'
/unignore Bob Hear what Bob has to say again
/unfriend Bob Stop being friends with Bob

Roleplay & Emotes features

/dance 3 Perform interpretive dance #3 (yes, there are a few)
/music 1 Play musical part #1. Must be wielding an instrument
/howl 'Soandso howls with rage'.
/jeer Plays a short animation.
/sit Your character sits. Note that this doesn't increase your regeneration rate, sorry EverQuest fans!

Misc. commands

/help Provides a reminder ingame of the available commands.
/roll 2d6 Roll two six-sided dice and announce the results
/tip Bob 100 Send 100 coins to player 'Bob'. Must be nearby!
/wiki something Search this wiki for 'something' (this will open a page in your default browser)
/who Show players in the same map-area as you (it is indeed area such as "AreaTutorialCave", not the full zone)
/who all Show all players logged in (up to 100)

Debugging & Alpha build features

/stuck Teleport yourself to Serbule's main town if you get stuck in the terrain

Currently documented but inactive

/laugh An emote documented in /help which currently does not do anything.
/read An emote documented in /help which currently does not do anything.
/wave An emote documented in /help which currently does not do anything.