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Revision as of 18:33, 9 December 2022 by Litrevan (talk | contribs) (Training: Redid table Comfortable, nees further work. Was no Decent not enchanted, perhaps at higher favor?.All numbers divided by .94 from game on Favor rom training)
Button Blue.png
Looks pretty relaxed
West of the Druid Camp.
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Skill Trainer:

Been a Druid for nearly thirty years. Which is a long time for a human! I still work as hard as any of them elves, but between jobs I gotta take weight off the old feet.


Squidlips is an aging female Druid who enjoys fishing.


Sun Vale
A beach at the end of pathway West of the Druid Camp.


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Likes Fresh Fish Hint
  • Likes SeashellsHint
  • Loves Starfish Hint

Favor Rewards

Squidlips rewards their friends with items.

Reward at [Friends].


Fairy Quests

Squidlips offers quests only available to Fairy characters.


Unlock Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5436.png Water Lung Potion  10    466 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5154.png Swimming Potion  25    1633 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5441.png Eel Potion  30    1800 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5441.png Shark Potion  40    3132 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5436.png Water Breathing Potion  45    4632 councils   [Like Family] 
Unlock Level Cost Favor
icon_3302.png Acid Arrow  5    450 councils 
icon_3302.png Acid Arrow 2  15    1450 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_3302.png Acid Arrow 3  25    2450 councils 
icon_3302.png Acid Arrow 4  35    4450 councils 
icon_3302.png Acid Arrow 5  45    6950 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_3302.png Acid Arrow 6  55    9950 councils   [Best Friends] 

icon_3302.png Acid Arrow 7  65    14950 councils 
Unlock Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5033.png Crab Meat  0    79 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5036.png Clownfish Fillet  5    279 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5037.png Grapefish Fillet  10    479 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5037.png Perch Fillet  20    919 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_6305.png Cleaned Shrimp  25    1219 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5034.png Eel Fillet  30    1559 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5035.png Flounder Fillet  35    1959 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5037.png Amberjack Fillet  65    5380 councils   [Comfortable] 

}} ||-

icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5035.png Shark Fillet  40    2399 councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Decent Musical Conch (Enchanted)  30    1800 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5296.png Decent Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)  33    2900 councils   [???] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_6325.png Amazing Conch  30    1800 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Nice Musical Conch (Enchanted)  40    3133 councils   [???] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Nice Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)  43    4565 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Quality Musical Conch (Enchanted)  50    4800 councils   [Close Friends] 

{{NPC training row

recipe=[[Quality Musical Conch|Quality Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted) skilllevel=53 cost=6565 favor=???


icon_4003.pngRecipe: Great Musical Conch (Enchanted)  60    7800 councils   [???] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Great Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)  63    9900 councils   [???] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_6325.png Perfect Conch  45    4632 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Amazing Musical Conch (Enchanted)  30    11465 councils   [???] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Amazing Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)  73    13232 councils   [???] 
Unlock Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5991.png Boiled Crab  0    79 councils   [Neutral] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5128.png Rum-Glazed Shrimp  30    1560 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5128.png Butter-Fried Shrimp  32    1720 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5819.png Grilled Shrimp Wrap  25    1220 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5132.png Baked Flounder  25    1220 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5132.png Cheesy Flounder  33    1800 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5132.png Lemon-Baked Flounder  44    2800 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5132.png Lemon Pepper Flounder  45    2900 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5132.png Grilled Amberjack  70    6120 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5819.png Amberjack Snack Attack  72    6440 councils   [Like Family] 


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - ???
[Like Family] Favor - (Lv 35)



Greeting 1

Take a load off. Water's nice today.

Greeting 2

Good ta see ya, but keep it down. Don't wanna spook the fish.

Greeting 3

Hey. Nothing bitin' right now, but sit a spell, 'cuz luck always changes.

Small Talk

Variation 1

The fishing's pretty good out here. I mean, I've seen better but no complaints. There's amberjack out there long as my arm.

Variation 2

Been a Druid for nearly thirty years. Which is a long time for a human! I still work as hard as any of them elves, but between jobs I gotta take weight off the old feet.

Variation 3

Used ta be pretty great with the bow, but this old body don't cooperate too well anymore.

But my doe form's still limber and deadly, so I fight deer-style nowadays.

Variation 4

Seems like every year my old joints ache a little more. Pretty soon I'll have to take up animal form full-time just to keep up the pace. That's why I'm working on a pelican form. It's a good fishing bird!

Variation 5

They call me Squidlips 'cuz I love ta fish. And... well, I guess I've never been a looker!