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![]() Looks pretty relaxed
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Region: | |
Location: | West of the Druid Camp.
Anatomy: | |
Species: | Human
Beast Speak: | Yes
Speaks With: | All
Skill Trainer: |
“Been a Druid for nearly thirty years. Which is a long time for a human! I still work as hard as any of them elves, but between jobs I gotta take weight off the old feet.
- Sun Vale
- A beach at the end of pathway West of the Druid Camp.
Small Talk [view/edit]
- Likes Fresh Fish Hint
- Likes SeashellsHint
- Loves Starfish Hint
Favor Rewards
Squidlips rewards their friends with items.
Reward at [Friends].
- Tasty Perch
To start this quest, talk to Squidlips in Sun Vale.
- Catch Tasty Ocean x5
- Talk to Squidlips
Fairy Quests
Alchemy Unlock Level Cost Favor Recipe:
Water Lung Potion
10 466 councils [Comfortable] Recipe:
Swimming Potion
25 1633 councils [Friends] Recipe:
Eel Potion
30 1800 councils [Close Friends] Recipe:
Shark Potion
40 3132 councils [Best Friends] Recipe:
Water Breathing Potion
45 4632 councils [Like Family]
Archery Unlock Level Cost Favor Acid Arrow
5 450 councils Acid Arrow 2
15 1450 councils [Comfortable] Acid Arrow 3
25 2450 councils Acid Arrow 4
35 4450 councils Acid Arrow 5
45 6950 councils [Close Friends] Acid Arrow 6
55 9950 councils [Best Friends] Acid Arrow 7
65 14950 councils
Fishing Unlock Level Cost Favor Recipe:
Crab Meat
0 79 councils [Neutral] Recipe:
Clownfish Fillet
5 279 councils [Neutral] Recipe:
Grapefish Fillet
10 479 councils [Neutral] Recipe:
Perch Fillet
20 919 councils [Neutral] Recipe:
Cleaned Shrimp
25 1219 councils [Neutral] Recipe:
Eel Fillet
30 1559 councils [Neutral] Recipe:
Flounder Fillet
35 1959 councils [Comfortable] Recipe:
Amberjack Fillet
65 5380 councils [Comfortable] }} ||-
Shark Fillet
40 2399 councils [?] Recipe: Decent Musical Conch (Enchanted)
30 1800 councils [Friends] Recipe:
Decent Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)
33 2900 councils [???] Recipe:
Amazing Conch
30 1800 councils [Friends] Recipe: Nice Musical Conch (Enchanted)
40 3133 councils [???] Recipe: Nice Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)
43 4565 councils [Friends] Recipe: Quality Musical Conch (Enchanted)
50 4800 councils [Close Friends] {{NPC training row
recipe=[[Quality Musical Conch|Quality Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted) skilllevel=53 cost=6565 favor=??? }}
Recipe: Great Musical Conch (Enchanted)
60 7800 councils [???] Recipe: Great Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)
63 9900 councils [???] Recipe:
Perfect Conch
45 4632 councils [Like Family] Recipe: Amazing Musical Conch (Enchanted)
30 11465 councils [???] Recipe: Amazing Musical Conch (Max-Enchanted)
73 13232 councils [???]
Cooking Unlock Level Cost Favor Recipe:
Boiled Crab
0 79 councils [Neutral] Recipe:
Rum-Glazed Shrimp
30 1560 councils [Comfortable] Recipe:
Butter-Fried Shrimp
32 1720 councils [Friends] Recipe:
Grilled Shrimp Wrap
25 1220 councils [Close Friends] Recipe:
Baked Flounder
25 1220 councils [Comfortable] Recipe:
Cheesy Flounder
33 1800 councils [Friends] Recipe:
Lemon-Baked Flounder
44 2800 councils [Close Friends] Recipe:
Lemon Pepper Flounder
45 2900 councils [Best Friends] Recipe:
Grilled Amberjack
70 6120 councils [Like Family] Recipe:
Amberjack Snack Attack
72 6440 councils [Like Family]
Greeting 1
“Take a load off. Water's nice today.
Greeting 2
“Good ta see ya, but keep it down. Don't wanna spook the fish.
Greeting 3
“Hey. Nothing bitin' right now, but sit a spell, 'cuz luck always changes.
Small Talk
Variation 1
“The fishing's pretty good out here. I mean, I've seen better but no complaints. There's amberjack out there long as my arm.
Variation 2
“Been a Druid for nearly thirty years. Which is a long time for a human! I still work as hard as any of them elves, but between jobs I gotta take weight off the old feet.
Variation 3
“Used ta be pretty great with the bow, but this old body don't cooperate too well anymore.
But my doe form's still limber and deadly, so I fight deer-style nowadays.
Variation 4
“Seems like every year my old joints ache a little more. Pretty soon I'll have to take up animal form full-time just to keep up the pace. That's why I'm working on a pelican form. It's a good fishing bird!
Variation 5
“They call me Squidlips 'cuz I love ta fish. And... well, I guess I've never been a looker!