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Revision as of 12:32, 10 September 2016 by Supsir (talk | contribs) (Woods)

The art of picking things up. Except mushrooms, those are special for some reason. Experts at Foraging are also experts at tracking down stationary items and locations (such as many Quest Objectives).

Foraging is a skill that increases as you pick up fruits, flowers, and other wild plants. It also governs the level of wood logs that can be harvested.

The skill eventually unlocks Seek Objective (level 5) and Objective Orienteering (level 15); both of which help with locating quest objectives (think "tracking" in other MMOs).

Leveling up 51-60 Foraging requires speaking to Jesina in Eltibule. The cost starts high but lowers with higher favor.

Related Skills

Carpentry (The wood collected through foraging is a base component for carpentry recipes)
Cooking (The fruit collected through foraging is a component for certain cooking recipes)
Gardening and Dye Making (The flower seeds collected through foraging are a base component to make flowers, and thus dyes)

Leveling Guide

Put on your adventurer's cap and explore! Been there, done that? Then click the Spoiler button!

Level 1
Apple in starting dungeon and in cart on way to town.
Level 1-10
Northwest of Sebule : Oak Wood
Level 10-14
Northwest area of Serbule : Grapes, Oak Wood, Wild Bluebells. You can level here easily until you are around level 25-30.
Level 15-19
Around Eltibule Keep : look for Cotton, Wild Bluebells, Wild Red Asters (you may want to use one of the targetting keyboard shortcuts as the cottons are not easy to see).
Level 20-30
Near the garden area in Eltibule keep, Maple Wood and Wild Cotton giving great exp.
Level 30-40
Near Hogan´s Keep are spawning many Oranges, Guavas, and Violets
Level 40+
In Sun Vale there's a huge amount of easily harvestable fruits and seeds.
Level 50+
Desert Roses, and Peppers can be harvested in the Ilmari Desert.

Spoiler text.



Name Level XP Misc.Notes (recipes etc)
Wild Apple 0 20 Northwest area of Serbule on the hills.
Wild Bluebell 5 50 Northwest area of Serbule on the hills. Also found in northern Eltibule.
Wild Grapes 10 70 Northwest area of Serbule on the hills.
Wild Red Aster 15 90 Northwest area of Serbule.
Wild Cotton 0 90 Eltibule, particularly on the west side. Yes it is currently level 0 to harvest.
Wild Orange 20 110 On the slopes east of Hogan's Keep where Gnashers are(they look like flowers.)
Wild Violet 25 130 On the slopes east of Hogan's Keep, also rarely in the far Northwest area.
Wild Dahlia 30 150 Northwest (minimap) of Eltibule.
Wild Guava 30 150 Found on the hills just north of Hogan's Keep, also found east of the keep.
Wild Oregano 30 150 Found in northern Eltibule, also found as an Infrequent drop from high-level mobs.
Wild Wolfsbane 30 150 Kur Mountains along the north coast.
Guava Tree 30 160 Sun Vale, gives slightly more exp than the Wild Guava plant but forages the same item.
Wild Daisy 35 170 Sun Vale as well as the northwest area of Eltibule.
Tundra Lichen 37 170 Kur Mountains along the north coast.
Banana Tree 40 190 Sun Vale.
Wild Pansy 40 190 Sun Vale.
Wild Marigold 45 210 Sun Vale.
Wild Poppy 50 230 Sun Vale.
Wild Winterhue 50 230 Kur Mountains (Daytime.)
Cinnamon Tree 50 230 Kur Mountains.
Cactus 55 240 Ilmari.
Wild Desert Rose 55  ? Ilmari (Nighttime.)



Name Foraging XP Misc.Notes (recipes etc)
Oak Wood 0 20 Northwest area of Serbule, on the hills. Good area to get to 15.
Maple Wood 20 110 Eltibule.
Cedar Wood 40 190 Eltibule and Kur Mountains.

Note: Gathering wood requires a Handsaw in your inventory(a Cutting Blade Necklace will also work.)

Foraging Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
5 Gain Ability: Seek Objective
15 Gain Ability: Objective Orienteering
22 +1 to Fishing
25 +1 to Deer
26 +1 to Cow
28 +1 to Rabbit
30 +1 to Mycology
35 +1 to Pig
40 +1 to Surveying
45 +1 to Pig
47 +1 to Spirit Fox
50 +1 to Geology
55 +1 to Mycology
60 +1 to Endurance
65 +1 to Fishing