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Brain Bug Cave

Revision as of 07:11, 25 September 2016 by Shadower (talk | contribs) (Friends)

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Map of Brain Bug Cave (click for larger size)
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File:Brain Bug Cave.png
Weird chittering can be heard from within.

Brain Bug Cave is a secluded spot in Northern Serbule. It appears that Dalvos spent some time here, and his creations still roam the cave.

Pickled Brain Jars can sometimes be found on the ground, remnants of some mad alchemists' experiments.

Points of Interest

Dalvos's Abandoned Workshop

A small laboratory abandoned by Dalvos can be found in the cave. His Instruction Manual can teach you new recipes, and maybe even a trick for your golem...

Soldier's Lost Message

A book can be found in the cave, detailing the downfall of most of the Second Column. See Second Column Diary.

The Corpse of Commander Ferrows

While the spectral form of Commander Ferrows haunts the Brain Bug Cave, his corpse can be discovered deep in the cave. Ferrows recorded the last moments of his life on a piece of parchment written in blood.



No friendly NPCs exist in the Brain Bug Cave.


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  • Pickled Brain Jars
  • Spoons
  • Skeletons
  • Adventurer's Packs
  • "Gold" Ore (15)
