Revision as of 11:47, 15 October 2016 by Danjen (talk | contribs) (Danjen moved page Shield to Shield (Skill))
“Expertise in the use of a shield, both as a weapon and as a defensive tool.
Shield Mastery (refered as "Shield" in the Skills panel) is an advanced skill that is taught by Tyler Green after earning sufficient favor with him.
Stunning Bash, the level 1 ability, is received automatically once you reach Friend relationship with Tyler Green.
Additional abilities can be purchased from Gorvessa in Hogan's keep.
Leveling up 51-60 Shield requires speaking to Sir Johnson in the town of Amulna in the Ilmari desert.
Shield Mastery skills covers the following mechanics:
Stun opponent | Stunning Bash [L 1] |
Sprint | One of the main draws of this skill (Take the Lead [L 8] +6 sprint speed for 10 seconds). |
Rage control | Flat reduction (Disrupting Bash [L 2] -60 Rage) |
Knockback | Zero power cost, but long cooldown (Emergency Bash) |
Slash Damage +% | Slashing Damage boosted +5% for 20sec (Strategic Preparation [L 13]) |
Taunt | Temporary taunt power increases |
Recover Armor | Reinforce [L 10] (+50 armor) |
Dodge Projectiles | Evade 40% projectiles for 10sec |
Abilities obtained through leveling the Shield skill.
Ability Name | Description | Level |
Stunning Bash | Smack your target with the shield, leaving them reeling. | 1 |
Disrupting Bash | Bash your target, causing them to lose some of their rage. | 2 |
Deflect Arrows | You briefly become a master of dodging projectiles. | 4 |
Emergency Bash | Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash. | 5 |
Take The Lead | Your speed and taunting power dramatically increase for a few seconds, allowing you to charge into the fray and take control. | 8 |
Reinforce | Adjust yourself to regain Armor. | 10 |
Strategic Preparation | Take a moment to prepare your offense so that your sword attacks will be especially deadly. | 13 |
Finish It | Abandon defense and just get this fight over with! | 15 |
Disrupting Bash 2 | Bash your target, causing them to lose some of their rage. | 17 |
Stunning Bash 2 | Smack your target with the shield, leaving them reeling. | 19 |
Reinforce 2 | Adjust yourself to regain Armor. | 20 |
Deflect Arrows 2 | You briefly become a master of dodging projectiles. | 23 |
Finish It 2 | Abandon defense and just get this fight over with! | 25 |
Emergency Bash 2 | Hit your enemy and knock them back. Costs no Power, so it's good in a tight spot! Equipment that boosts Stunning Bash also boosts Emergency Bash. | 26 |
Take The Lead 2 | Your speed and taunting power dramatically increase for a few seconds, allowing you to charge into the fray and take control. | 28 |
Lucky Belt of the Soldier (Sword, Shield)
Ability | Learn From | Req. | Misc. Notes |
Rapid Recovery | Nelson Ballard | Comfortable+ | Special: You recover [50/80/110/140/170] Armor. This ability cannot be used in combat. Special: This ability can optionally be placed on your side-bar instead of your primary ability bars, but you must still have the Shield skill active to use it. |