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Revision as of 15:12, 4 April 2017 by Kingfury (talk | contribs) (a starting place for a new NPC)
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He's playing a lute with a far-off look in his eyes.
Skill Trainer:

[[Category:South Serbule NPCs]]

Rappanel the bard at your service! I'm looking for a new patron of the arts. And If may be so forward, I belleve that person is you! What do you say? Pay for a song?

I lost everythlng when Dwyndarre was destroyed. A hundred years of getting my name out, earning patrons... all gone. So I decided to work these human lands Instead. There's fewer bards here, so I should make good money! Eventually. When word gets out.

Rappanel can currently raise the level cap of Bard from 51-60, and from 61-70.


Rappanel is the Bard in the Tapestry Inn. He teaches adventurers the skill of Bardin'.

Small Talk

Likes Pickled Fish Loves Animal Horns Likes Fish Dishes