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Revision as of 17:12, 11 October 2014 by Gorgonzola (talk | contribs) (Decapitate info.)

Expertise with swords, rapiers, and the like. Swords are very damaging, and can reduce an opponent's Rage.

Sword is a combat skill that is received very early in the tutorial, after looting the body of a dead elf.

Sword damage is actually quite good, the main hurdle to get over is to find ways to manage the Power Cost of abilities (ed: it may be just bad luck as I haven't seen any power-enhancing Sword augments yet, they are probably there though).


Sword skills have the following mechanics:

  • Means of controlling the enemy's Rage (Parry)
  • Damage over time to armor
  • High damage/ high power cost "finishing" abilities
  • Specialized damage type (eg. Flashing Strike vs Undead creatures)


Abilities obtained through leveling the Sword skill.

Ability Name Description Level
Sword Slash Attack with a sword. 00
Parry Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's rage and weakens their next attack. 01
Many Cuts A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled. 03
Wind Strike A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. 05
Finishing Blow A slow, horrific cut across the midsection. 07
Debilitating Blow Attack the target's offenses, leaving them less able to deal damage. 09
Hacking Blade Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. 10
Sword Slash 2 Attack with a sword. 12
Many Cuts 2 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled. 15
Parry 2 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's rage and weakens their next attack. 18
Wind Strike 2 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. 20
Many Cuts 3 A flurry of attacks that leave the enemy disoriented and disheveled. 27
Debilitating Blow 2 Attack the target's offenses, leaving them less able to deal damage. 28
Finishing Blow 2 A slow, horrific cut across the midsection. 30
Hacking Blade 2 Cut deep, causing the target to bleed. 31
Sword Slash 3 Attack with a sword. 33
Parry 3 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's rage and weakens their next attack. 35
Wind Strike 3 A flurry of attacks that does extra damage to vulnerable targets, and creates an opening for your next attack to be more successful. 36



Ability Name Level Description Requirements
Riposte 07 Defensive maneuver that diminishes enemy's rage. For equipment and combos that require parry, you can use Riposte instead. Can be found from scrolls.
Decapitate  ?? A devastating attack. (high power/high dmg) Requires access to Hogan's Keep (basement) and Friends favor with Malvol. Level 1-2 occasionally drops from mobs, scrolls lying around in Goblin Dungeon level 2.
Heart Piercer  ?? Special: Up to 40 Rage is taken from the target and half of it is turned into Trauma damage. Requires access to Hogan's Keep (basement) and Comfortable with Malvol.
Thrusting Blade  ?? A quick attack. Requires access to Hogan's Keep (basement) and Comfortable favor with Malvol.
Precision Pierce  ?? A carefully-aimed attack that does little damage, but bypasses armor entirely. For equipment and combos that require Parry, you can use Precision Pierce instead. Nelson Ballard teaches this at Comfortable+
Flashing Strike  ?? A solemn strike that does extra damage to undead. Special: Undead targets take [25/60/100] additional Nature damage. Nelson Ballard teaches this at Comfortable+