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Repelling a Bear

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Lana Songtree in Serbule Hills asked you to deliver some homemade bear repellent to her friend Jara in Serbule. Jara lives in a farmhouse outside of town.


To start this quest, talk to Lana Songtree in Serbule Hills. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.


After my mom ditched me in the woods, I lived with a little old lady who taught me some useful recipes. Which is great news for my friend Jara! She has a bear living in her barn, and I have just the thing: bear repellent! I brewed it up for her last night. Can you go give it to her? She lives outside of Serbule. Look for the farmlands.


Response to player

What's this? Oh. From Lana in the inn? I told her not to bother! Bear repellent might cause an attacking bear to go away, but this bear is literally living in my barn! I'm not gonna try to repel it, it'd just kill me! Why doesn't she listen?! Human youth are so stupid!

Sigh... but no, don't tell her that. Tell her thanks, and that I appreciate it and I'll try it out soon.


Rewards for Repelling a Bear

She liked it? Oh, good! I was worried. She said she didn't want my help, but I figured that was just elves being stuck up about getting help from humans. I'm sure her bear problem is a thing of the past.

Here, take this as thanks: it's spider repellent!