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Rick Snapley

Revision as of 00:13, 11 April 2018 by Kedoch (talk | contribs) (Sells)
Button Blue.png
Rick Snapley
He's got an unsavory grin.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:

[[Category:Gazluk NPCs]]

We have a lot of beer stored away here from the previous tenants. And I know how to summon Council Rations, which are just barely enough to keep us all alive. But I would kill for something else to eat! This is a cave, so you'd think you could catch cave fish in here, right? But no. No water, so no cave fish.

Rick Snapley is a human who has been living in the New Prestonbule Cave for almost a year. He teaches advanced Knife Fighting techniques, and can raise the Skill Cap from 51 to 60, as well as from 61 to 70.


Found near the campfire inside New Prestonbule Cave.

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Everything

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Neutral 100 5,000
Comfortable 200 10,000
Friends 250 12,500
Close Friends 300 15,000
Best Friends 350 17,500
Like Family 20,000
Soul Mates 500 25,000


Rick Snapley sells just two items.

 100 Councils councils 
 225 Councils councils 


Reward: Hint

Reward: Hint


At Comfortable
Recipe Foo Bar Recipe
Hanging Out "Tend the Crops"
Dessicated Apple, +100 Gourmand XP


Knife Fighting

Note: Price varies based on Favor and Notoriety.

Ability Level Gold
Unlock Knife Skills Levels 51-60 50 18200
Opening Thrust 6 51 8872
Slice 6 53 8963
Blur Cut 6 54 9009
Gut 6 55 9054
Venomstrike 6 57 10510
Surge Cut 6 60 10647
Unlock Knife Skills 61-70 60 91000
Opening Thrust 7 61 13422
Fending Blade 5 62 13468
Slice 7 63 13513
Blur Cut 7 64 13559
Gut 7 65 13604
Venomstrike 7 67 15515
Marking Cut 4 68 15561
Surge Cut 7 70 15652
Opening Thrust 8 71 17972
Slice 8 73 18063
Poisoners Cut 2 30 2457
Poisoners Cut 3 45 6324
Poisoners Cut 4 60 10647
Hamstring Throw 3 24 2184
Hamstring Throw 4 34 4004
Hamstring Throw 5 44 6279
Hamstring Throw 6 54 9009
Hamstring Throw 7 64 13559