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The Big Slime

Revision as of 17:33, 13 October 2014 by Gorgonzola (talk | contribs) (Page stub to be expanded, NEEDS HIS CURSE PLZ)
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Main Page Headers Bg.png
File:The Big Slime.png

The Big Slime is a boss type slime who awaits on the second level of Under the Hand. Similarly to Sherzat, he may summon a few Baby Slimes to come to his aid during the fight. They are rather weak, and it can be fun to use the Fire Bolt ability to take them all at once.


Under the Hand
On the way to Sherzat, veer to the left where the bridge is broken down. Walk through the acidic sludge. On the other side is a grate that leads down to the second level. Take right.

Combat Abilities

  • Acid Damage, Curse
  • Rage Spawn Additional Slime

Reported Loot

  • Drops level 35 jewelry.


(please edit)