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Words of Power

Revision as of 13:46, 18 October 2014 by (talk) (Word of Power 2 (Level 3): Fixing hint close bracket)
Words of Power can be fun!

Words of Power are randomly-generated sequences of phonemes. (For example, ‘Twimjot’, ‘Fledbydpal’, or ‘Chruggomdye’. The’re gibberish, but not completely random letters, so you can kind of figure out how they would be pronounced.)[1] There are five levels of Words of Power at this time. Each harboring different effects, or varying degrees of power for some effects.

To use a Word of Power, just type it into the chat window (preferably nearby chat /n ). When spoken aloud, the word’s power is triggered and the word is used up, replaced with a new word. Words of Power only ever work once.

Power words must be MANUALLY recorded to either the notepad in the quest log or some outside document or is LOST FOREVER! (suggest to write it down in the Quest window notepad, that way you can quickly cut and paste it to chat when you are ready to use it).


Level 0 Words of Power can be very useful to new players. It often produces Teleports which will save time travelling (and even after learning Teleportation it may be a cheaper alternative to using up your Amethysts). Unlike Level 2, which produces lots of questionable effects like Leprosy or Fear of Water ... Level 0 tend to produce mostly useful effects. They are pretty cheap to produce and the Crab Meat can be processed from Raw Crab without a Cooking Stove nearby (ie. when you fish crab).


Marna sells Level 0 Recipe: Word of Power, Recipe: Word of Power Scroll
Flia sells Level ?? Recipe: Word of Power, Recipe: Word of Power Scroll
Elahil sells Level ?? Recipe: Word of Power Scroll (two-syllable)


Word of Power (Level 0)

Word of Power: Anemia ... Speaking this word weakens your body so that all attacks cost +5 Power. Lasts 5 Minutes.
Word of Power: Cure Bovinity ... Speaking this word causes you to stop being a cow if you are one.
Word of Power: Fast Swimmer ... Speaking this word makes you swim much faster for five minutes.
Word of Power: Fear of Water ... Speaking this word causes you to hyperventilate underwater so that your breath depletes at fire times its normal rate. Lasts five minutes.
Word of Power: Hold your Breath ... Speaking this word causes your lung capacity to vastly increase for five minutes.
Word of Power: Increase inventory ... Increase inventory by 10 for an hour. Hint
Word of Power: Instant Death ... Speaking this word of power causes the speaker to die instantly. Hint
Word of Power: Weak Life Regeneration ... This word of power grants health over time (+1 /sec for 15 minutes).
Word of Power: Weak Max-Power Boost ... Speaking this word raises your maximum Power by 50 for 15 minutes.
Word of Power: Teleport to Crypt ... Speaking this word teleports you to the crypt beneath the town of Serbule.
Word of Power: Teleport to Eltibule Keep ... Speaking this word teleports you to the Keep in Eltibule.
Word of Power: Teleport to Goblin Dungeon ... Speaking this word teleports you to the dungeon beneath Eltibule Keep.
Word of Power: Teleport to Serbule ... Speaking this word teleports you to the town of Serbule.

Spoiler text.

Word of Power 2 (Level 3)

Word of Power: Teleport to Kur Mountains ... Speaking this word teleports you to the frigid Kur Mountains.
Word of Power: Teleport to Crystal Cavern ... Speaking this word teleports you to a cavern beneath a giant red crystal.
Word of Power: Teleport to Hogan's Keep ... Speaking this word teleports you to the courtyard north of Eltibule Keep.
Word of Power: Unarmed Knowledge ... Speaking this word grants you 500 Unarmed XP.
Word of Power: Increase inventory ... Increase inventory by 20 for 1 hour. Hint
Word of Power: Mind Shield ... Speaking this word makes you immune to Psychic damage, and unable to cause Psychic damage in others, for an hour.
Word of Power: ??? ... Briefly make animal-cursed players look like a civilized humanoid (human, elf, rakasha). (to be confirmed)
Word of Power: Super Jumping ... Speaking this word allows you to jump very high for 120 seconds.
Word of Power: Whiney Voice ... Taunt (aggro) for 15 minutes.
Cure Beast Forms
Cure Arachnia
Cure Bovinity
Word of Power: Unnatural Gravity ... Speaking this word of power causes you to weigh less, but your bones become extremely brittle. You can jump higher, but take more damage from falling. Lasts 5 minutes.
Word of Power: Leprosy ... Speaking this word gives you leprosy. Leprosy is a complex disease taht is permanent until cured. -50 Max Health

Spoiler text.

Word of Power 3 (Level 5)

Word of Power: ??? ... Briefly make animal-cursed players look like a civilized humanoid (human, elf, rakasha). (to be confirmed)

Spoiler text.

Word of Power 4 (Level 7)

Word of Power: ??? ... Briefly make animal-cursed players look like a civilized humanoid (human, elf, rakasha). (to be confirmed)

Spoiler text.

Word of Power 5 (Level 9)
