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Template:MOB AHVital

Revision as of 12:40, 20 June 2018 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Added explanation of template.)
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{{MOB AHVital
| vital level = 
| health = 
| armor = 


vital level
This will add text after the words Vitals at . You may enter Tamed (number), Max (number), or any other number you have vital information for.
The health of the tamed creature at the level listed in vital health.
The armor of the tamed creature at the level listed in vital health.


The purpose of this template is to provide vital statistics at various levels for creatures that can be tamed through Animal Handling. This template is used directly after Template:MOB AH. Multiple calls to this template may be necessary, and some examples can be seen below.

{{MOB AHVital
| vital level= Tamed
| health = 50
| armor = 20
{{MOB AHVital
| vital level= 50
| health = 100
| armor = 40
{{MOB AHVital
| vital level= 70
| health = 120
| armor = 80
{{MOB AHVital
| vital level= Max(70)
| health = 120
| armor = 80
Vitals at Tamed Health 50 Armor 20
Vitals at 50 Health 100 Armor 40
Vitals at 70 Health 120 Armor 80
Vitals at Max(70) Health 120 Armor 80