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Revision as of 21:30, 7 November 2019 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (Change to Subpages)
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Tables & Lists

Any suggestions on how we should structure this page? Currently it's tied to each individual bartering page, yet it would be nice to have one big list that can be sorted by item names and so on, in case multiple merchants accept similar items for bartering. LaughingLeader (talk) 20:20, 26 October 2014 (CDT)

You could make one common Bartering table and add the NPC to the leftmost column, potentially the zone as well. The only way to pull pieces in NPC page and pieces in a larger table in Bartering page without duplicating edits is to do advanced templating with DPL and I'm beginning to think it's not worth the complexity.

Personally I would use the same approach I did with the training section: I would summarize "Joeh barters for Basic Fish Scales, Antler, Spiderweb and Femur" and make that into a link to the relevant section of this page. This reduces duplicate info and edits at least until we figure a better way to do it. But also personally I find it confusing as a reader if there are two places to get information, which is why I tend to prefer to have detailed info in one page, and summarized info elsewhere that links to the detailed info. --Gorgonzola (talk) 06:34, 27 October 2014 (CDT)

Change to Subpages

Currently each NPC page with a bartering section, e.g. Flia#Bartering, consists of a transclusion of the related subpage, in this case Bartering:Flia. I plan to go through and change these transclusions to {{:Bartering:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} }}, which will have the same effect, but be the same on each page. This will also allow the bartering section to be put into its own template if desired. I think it will look cleaner this way, and it will be much simpler to create new NPC pages, since this section can simply be cut and pasted, with no need to type in the title of the new page each time.

At the same time i may think about playing around in my sandbox and trying to add dpl to this page (though i don't entirely know what i'm doing yet). Ideally all the bartering info will be available straight from this page without having to open the individual NPC pages. If i don't end up doing this, i would like at least to make the links redirect to the bartering sections of the pages, instead of simply to the top of each NPC page.

None of this will be happening until at least the end of the Halloween event. This is just a heads-up in advance.--Alleryn (talk) 17:38, 26 October 2019 (EDT)

Update. Project on hold indefinitely. --Alleryn (talk) 01:46, 30 October 2019 (EDT)
I guess this turned out to be a dumb idea, because if we transclude then the BasePageName magic word gets copied instead of the correct subpage. --Alleryn (talk) 21:30, 7 November 2019 (EST)
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