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Holistic Wellness

Revision as of 14:38, 12 November 2019 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (added holistic wellness quests)
Button Cyan.png
Holistic Wellness
An approach to health that involves taking into account factors beyond the obvious. Some critics claim that any benefits are due to the placebo effect, and they may be right. But if it works, who cares?
Skill Type:
Other Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

It's just a different way of thinking about medicine. Most medicine focuses on preventing or curing ailments. But Holistic Wellness looks beyond that! To be really healthy you need a wide variety of things.


Holistic Wellness Overview

Holistic Wellness is a skill raised by completing seemingly pointless tasks for Lakrea.

In-Game Description

An approach to health that involves taking into account factors beyond the obvious. Some critics claim that any benefits are due to the placebo effect, and they may be right. But if it works, who cares?

Training Holistic Wellness

Holistic Wellness Quests

Connected Skills

  • None
Secondary Skills:
  • None
Related Skills:

Holistic Wellness Stat Bonuses

Level Bonus Totals
5 Max Health +1 Max Health +1
7 Max Power +1 Max Health +1
Max Power +1
10 Max Health +1 Max Health +2
Max Power +1
15 Max Health +1 Max Health +3
Max Power +1
18 Max Power +1 Max Health +3
Max Power +2
20 Max Health +1 Max Health +4
Max Power +2
25 Max Health +1
Number of Inventory Folders +1
Max Health +5
Max Power +2
Number of Inventory Folders +1
30 Max Health +1 Max Health +6
Max Power +2
Number of Inventory Folders +1
32 Max Power +1 Max Health +6
Max Power +3
Number of Inventory Folders +1
35 Max Health +1 Max Health +7
Max Power +3
Number of Inventory Folders +1
40 Max Health +1 Max Health +8
Max Power +3
Number of Inventory Folders +1
43 Max Power +1 Max Health +8
Max Power +4
Number of Inventory Folders +1
45 Max Health +1 Max Health +9
Max Power +4
Number of Inventory Folders +1
50 Max Health +1 Max Health +10
Max Power +4
Number of Inventory Folders +1

Holistic Wellness Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
13 +1 to Endurance
23 +1 to First Aid
38 +1 to Alchemy
48 +1 to Mentalism
53 +1 to Nature Appreciation

Holistic Wellness Experience Table

Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Holistic Wellness

Level Experience Total Experience
1 30 30
2 60 90
3 100 190
4 150 340
5 200 540
6 250 790
7 300 1090
8 350 1440
9 400 1840
10 500 2340
11 500 2840
12 500 3340
13 500 3840
14 500 4340
15 500 4840
16 500 5340
17 500 5840
18 500 6340
19 500 6840
20 600 7440
21 600 8040
22 600 8640
23 600 9240
24 600 9840
25 600 10440
26 600 11040
27 600 11640
28 600 12240
29 600 12840
30 600 13440
31 700 14140
32 700 14840
33 700 15540
34 700 16240
35 700 16940
36 700 17640
37 700 18340
38 700 19040
39 700 19740
40 700 20440
41 800 21240
42 800 22040
43 800 22840
44 800 23640
45 800 24440
46 800 25240
47 800 26040
48 800 26840
49 800 27640
50 800 28440


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