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Revision as of 07:06, 13 March 2015 by LatinaPrincess (talk | contribs) (Hang Out)
A little drunk, but in a good mood.

Well, well, look what the snow blew in.

Ukorga is a Rakshasa merchant found in the outpost in the Northwestern area. He offers limited Storage (10 slots) and consignment. At Soul Mates level, his money pool is 75000 gold and he buys valuable items such as weapons, shields and amulets. This along with the nearby Teleportation Circle makes Ukorga a very valuable merchant to invest in.

After Lem died, I just started wandering. Eventually here I am! Now I just make shoes and coats and things to keep busy. I used to be a leather-worker in Ral, but that place is just not the same anymore, not with Lem gone.

This Inn was owned by a bitchy old elf woman, but on an impulse I bought it from her and kicked her out. Used up all my savings! And now I just let people crash here for free, mostly. I'm not really good at business.


Kur Mountains
Northwestern outpost


  • Insulated Boots
  • Rough / Decent / Quality / Amazing / Awesome Tannin Powder
  • String
  • Handsaw
  • Lucky Belt of Uncommon Rewards ("10% of the time when you would have found Common (white label) equipment as loot, you'll find Uncommon (green label) equipment instead.")

Small Talk

  • Likes Trophy Animal Skins Hint
  • Likes Meaty Meals Hint
  • Likes Ancient Coins Hint
  • Likes Snail Shells Hint
  • Hates Citrus [Comf+?]


  • Keep the Kitchen Stocked : Obtain 10 Cedar Wood Chips.
  • Ukorga's Fur Order : Obtain 5 Tufts of Fur. Hint
  • Silver Ore for Swords [Comfortable] : Obtain 10 Unrefined Silver Ore.
  • Wool Supply [Comfortable] : Obtain 10 Wool.
  • Better Chairs [Friends] : Obtain 10 Nice Chairs.
  • Trophy Wolves [Close Friends] : Obtain 5 Trophy Wolf Skins. Hint


Mark-up fee of 200 gold plus 20%, and non-refundable stocking fee of 100 gold.
Storage (10 slots)
Ukorga offers to "store your junk in the back" at Friends.

Hang Out

  • Help butcher sheep for meals (3 hours)
27 favor with Ukorga
300 Butchering XP
1 Mutton
  • Help shovel snow off the nearby road (4 hours)
35 favor with Ukorga
  • Tan skins and discuss politics (3 hours)
35 favor with Ukorga
3 Decent Leather Rolls

Spoiler text.