Players in combat are expected to have at least a food buff.
Weekend buffs
- The game developers can choose to have a buff active during weekends or holidays.
- (Examples : 10% chance to yield extra items from Gardening or picking mushrooms; increase in the money given when turning in workorders.)
Long term buffs (45 minutes or more)
- Food, usually from Cooking:
- Meals and Snacks are different and stack.
- However eating multiple meals will not stack. Only the highest level food buff will be displayed. Food buffs usually give regeneration of Health and Power.
- Most foods will also give a straight increase in the total amount of Health or Power the player has.
- Nature Appreciation 1 (appreciate a flower): increases maximum Power for 1 hour.
- Nature Appreciation 2 (appreciate a bouquet, arrangement, or display): buffs for 4 hours.
- One flower and one bouquet buff can stack.
- Example bouquet buff: Gardening Luck, +10% chance to yield 2 items while Gardening instead of 1.
- Music Performance (you or fellow players have made music by using a musical instrument):
- Increase in earned combat XP.
- Bonus out-of-combat Armor regeneration.
- Dance Appreciation (while player-music was made, other players did an Interpretive Dance):
- Increase in crafting XP.
- Increase in Metabolism.
- Candle Buff (from candles made with Candle Making).
- Potions:
- Many potions will stack if they do not buff the same stat.
- Example potion: gives an hour of +10% earned combat XP.
- Meditation:
- Most useful to players using Unarmed.
- There are meditation recipes that give extra buffs like cold resistance.
- Using a Meditation Stool will substantially increase the buff duration.
- Calligraphy:
- Most useful for players using the Sword skill.
- There are calligraphy recipes that buff slashing, piercing, crushing, or cold damage, reduce rage, etc.
- Using a Calligraphy Bench will increase the buff duration.
- Buffs from Art Appreciation
- (Click on a deployed statue like ) : 10% increase in crafting XP.
- Augury gives one hour buffs with many effects.
Medium term buffs (10 to 15 minutes)
- Certain advanced player abilities give an increase to Haste : being able to move more quickly.
- Through Alchemy several potions or drugs can be made that either boost damage done or increase the players resistance to certain damage types.
- Alcohol buffs last 15 minutes, 3 beers and 1 liquor can be stacked.
Short term buffs (up to a minute)
- These are mostly Buffs from Combat Skill Abilities.