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Talk:Main Page

Revision as of 17:36, 5 August 2021 by Ransel (talk | contribs) (Loot tables?: new section)

What is a Spoiler ?

So I've been wondering where should we draw the line to what is a spoiler and what isn't ? I think it is a brilliant idea personally (perhaps I should mention here for future editors that I did not originally add the "by the developers it is desired, by the editors it is enforced"). To know that I can visit any article and not have significant spoilers about a creature, or area, or strategy for a boss etc.

On the other hand, let's face it everyone is sharing all those things in global chat already. And it could be argued that simply visiting a Wiki is looking for spoilers. Hmm.

  • A middle line I'm considering is to documented whatever landmarks or creatures are in the main zone article, but in the main zone article say no more about them (just a simple listing). It is kind of a guide, or a teaser to content that's there. Or even just a reminder, that, yes, certain plants or animals are available in this zone. If the player wants to know more, they can follow the link.
  • For puzzles and other locations that were intentionally made difficult to find should go in a Template:Spoiler.
  • Medium spoilers for quest completion goes in a Template:Hint like this. Hint These can be used "inline" and make for nicer layout. Using the Template is recommended because later we can replace it with a fancy popup if needed.
  • Likes/Dislikes, Quests and Services (Consignment, Storage) are revealed in the articles without Spoiler. It just makes the article layout too complicated. It also does not deprive the player of much, seeing as you soon understand that favor will unlock benefits, and you still have to work at them.
  • Monster's Weaknesses or peculiarities that are normally earned through Anatomy I tend to put in a Template:Hint.

Of course that's just my preferences for now. Put it here for discussion once more editors show up.

--Gorgonzola (talk) 16:52, 25 September 2014 (CDT)

A little face lift

This is the Sept 2014 update for reference.

I hope by making the main page look a little nicer that it will encourage other players to contribute more often.

This format where links are side to side with a simple bullet separator may be easier to expand as well (though I kept the columns for skills which are easier to read).

Maybe Gameplay and Advanced could be merged in one vertical cell?

EDIT: I intended to add background images to the red boxes that look like the in game buttons fixed :)

--Gorgonzola (talk) 16:11, 17 September 2014 (CDT)

Regarding Skills that go on the Main Page

Recently I discovered a new skill in a dungeon and added it to the Main Page. Then, on further reflection, I removed it.

Should we list every possible skill on the front page? I don't think it's a good idea.

  • When a player is new to the game, there is no need to overwhelm them with the vast array of skills (likely to increase with most major updates).
  • Exposing skills that are acquired through special foes, dungeons, and advanced level areas is basically spoiling away part of the game. I think it's better to leave that deeper within the wiki, not on the front page.
  • Besides, there is only so much space available on the Main Page for it to remain easy to use and clear.

TLDR My hunch so far is to cover all the basic, fairly common skills that show the rich content in the game, without spoilers. As a general rule of thumb: if the skill comes from a high level dungeon, requires slaying difficult foes, and what not.. I would link to it from within the parent article (the dungeon, zone, or NPC) but not on the front page. This gives some room for new players to explore and discover on their own. Once a player found such a skill of course, it's really easy to look it up either in game (/wiki) or via search here.

Missing description of game mechanics ?

Hello all, after playing the game for about a week now, I notice that I cannot find a wiki-description of certain game mechanics. Most notably for me is a description of levels. I intend to make a first draft on this later today. I intend to link to it from the mainpage under Basics. My question for now is, do you notice any other game mechanics that have no description ? Jackybah (talk) 04:15, 19 August 2015 (CDT)

Character Sheet / Persona Info?

I think it would be helpful for new players (such as myself) if there was a section on the main page that linked to a "character stats" section. Maybe it exists and I haven't found it yet? The "stats" section could organize and describe the different information found on the persona tab. I added a couple pages about community and peaceableness today because I wasn't sure what they were about, but I think it would make sense to have a brief description of all the "persona" stats that can be referenced or linked to other information on the wiki as needed. imo, general information pages like "stats" tend to evolve into something more useful over time as players add in more nuanced information. Ransel (talk) 11:18, 3 June 2021 (EDT)

Loot tables?

I've been trying to update loot tables a little at a time, but one thing I think is worth discussing is how to handle monsters that appear in multiple zones. My gut "feeling" is that monsters in different zones likely have different loot tables, especially if they are different levels. For example the Venom Spiders in Anagoge probably have a different loot table than the venom spiders in Serbule Crypt. Some monsters might share a loot table across zones, like the pigs in serbule probably have the same loot as the pigs in serbule hills if I had to guess.

So, how could this be handled in a somewhat organized manner? One possible way to sort this out would be to disambiguate the pages and make a page for each zone. Ie.. Venom Spider (Anagoge) or Venom Spider (Serbule Crypt), and have the main page "Venom Spider" act as a general landing page with information on the creature and then links to the different pages?

Another possible way to organize the pages would be to spoiler all the information for one zone underneath general information about the monster. Ie.. the venom spider serbule loot table and stats could all go under one spoiler, and the same for all other zones, then a wiki browser could expand the information they were interested in.

There are probably other things that could work also, I'm just starting to notice that pages could get cluttered with all the loot tables in one place without any sort of spoiler. Ransel (talk) 18:36, 5 August 2021 (EDT)

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