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Fall Harvest

534 bytes added, 13:07, 18 November 2021
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The [[Fall Harvest]] is a reoccurring season in [[Alharth]], celebrated by almost all races.
=== Seasonal Items ===
==== Seasonal Loot & Harvestables ====
* {{Item|Cranberries}} - Obtained from bushes that grow in [[Eltibule]].
* {{Item|Raw Turkey}} - Butchered from [[Wild Turkey]], a type of fowl that appears inside strawberry bushes in [[Serbule]] and [[Serbule Hills]], cranberry bushes in [[Eltibule]], and Sprigganberry bushes in the [[Fae Realm]].
* {{Item|Pumpkin Seedling}} - Possible drops from herbivores and omnivores in a level range of 25 - 55. Common sources include [[Ferocious Boar]]s, [[Polar Bear]]s, [[Buck Snowdeer]], [[Doe Snowdeer]], [[Mountain Sheep]], [[Gaz-Urak]], and many varieties of [[Fungoid Anatomy|Slime]]. Additionally, some sentient creatures including the [[Troll]]s in Sun Vale can drop them.
* '''Pumpkin-related Cooking Recipes''' - [[Halloween]] recipes that use {{Item|Pumpkin}} as an ingredient continue to appear rarely in loot.
* '''[[Fall Harvest]] Recipes''' - Cooking recipes that use {{Item|Cranberries}} or {{Item|Raw Turkey}} can appear in loot. The best chances are from herbivorous or omnivorous animals.
* '''Seasonal Work Orders''' - Work Orders for [[Cooking]] recipes that use [[Fall Harvest]] ingredients can appear on work-order signs in [[Serbule]], [[Red Wing Casino]], and the [[Fae Realm]]. These seasonal Work-Orders can be completed every 5 days and reward a much higher payout that non-seasonal orders. When they appear, they will be listed at the bottom of a work-order list.
=== Turkey Hunt ===
During the [[Fall Harvest]], usually towards the end of the season, the [[Turkey Hunt]] event begins. Three traveling ''Turkey Hunters'' travel to the [[Serbule]] region and solicit adventurers to help them guard the town from a pack of wild Battle Turkey and their leader.
{{Quote|source=Alert Messages|
[[Gobblejack the Rebuker]] and his flock of battle turkeys are gathering outside of Serbule Keep looking for some payback for the deaths of their cousins! These birds are very tough and they hit hard, so bring friends! Newer players should be extra cautious on the east side of Serbule Keep! Gobblejack will respawn 4 hours after being defeated. The Battle Turkeys will always start to spawn 1 hour before Gobblejack. Find the turkey hunters Bob, Rob, and Terk outside of the Serbule Keep east gate to get started. Also, be on guard for random turkey attacks on Serbule Keep and the Keeps of Eltibule. }}
=== Trivia ===
* The first [[Fall Harvest]] season took place in 2019. It was also the first year of the [[Turkey Hunt]].
{{Quote|source = * The third [[Game updates/2019-11-08Fall Harvest]]|: - There are two new seasonal ingredients available for a limited time. Cranberries and turkeys can be found in Serbule, Serbule Hills, and Eltibule, among other places.: - In addition, the Pumpkin Seedlings (which dropped from undead during Halloween) continue to drop from a wide range of herbivorous and omnivorous animals in 2021 introduced the 25-55 level range. This includes ferocious boars, many types of slime, most rhinos, polar bears, tundra deer, mountain sheep, Gaz-Uraks, Harvest Event quests and many others. (And even a few sentient creatures such as trolls.): Tofu- There are 21 new food related recipes that involve the new seasonal ingredients. These recipes can be found on a broad range of animals (with the best chances being from herbivorous/omnivorous animals).: - In addition to the new recipes, the handful of pumpkin recipes from Halloween can also still be found in loot, although the chances are much lower than during Halloween. (And the other Halloween items no longer drop.): - There are also new Work Orders for all of the new foods (and the Halloween pumpkin foods). These work orders will only show up during this "season", and they have a much larger cash reward than normal work orders of their level. They can also be completed every 5 days instead of every 30 days. You can find these work orders at the work-order signs in Serbule, Redwing Casino, and the Fae Realm. (They won't always show up, but when they do, they will be at the bottom of the work-order list.): - A few of the Halloween pumpkin foods already had work orders (such as Basic Pumpkin Pie). They've been turned into "seasonal" work orders}}
[[Category:Seaonal Event]]