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|title = Psychology
|image = [[File:Psychology_skill.png|300px]]
|caption = Understanding the mind of sentient creatures. Also, using that knowledge in combat and other stressful situations.|skilltype = Combat Skill <!-- Combat Skill, Trade Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->|maxlevel = 60 <!-- List without bonus levels -->70|req = <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->N/A
|skilltrainers = [[Riger]], [[Helena Veilmoor]], [[Nissim]] <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->
* [[Helena Veilmoor]] teaches '''You Were Adopted''' 1-3 and '''But I Love You''' 1-2
* [[Nissim]] in [[Amulna]] will unlock Psychology 51-60 , 61-70, and teach you teaches level 51+ abilities.
== Connected Skills ==