; [[Angry Bear]] Tamed at level 40: 89 Armor, 156 Health, 20 Dmg, Slash / Crush. Name Bear near Serbule.
: Special Abilities: Slash + Self-heal 100, Heavy Crush.
: Weak against: Electricity, Acid
: Resists: Crush, Trauma.
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level 60 stats|Level 60: 340 Armor, 426 Health, 93 Dmg.}}
; [[Bear Groupie]] Tamed at level 40: 194 Armor, 205 Health, 18 Dmg, Slash / Crush.
: Special Abilities: Slash + Taunt 300, Heavy Crush.
: Weak against: Electricity, Acid
: Resists: Crush, Trauma.
; [[The Mangler]] Tamed at level 40: 100 Armor, 233 Health, 31 Dmg, Slash / Crush. Expect same stats for all named Fae Bears.
: Special Abilities: Slash + Taunt 300, Heavy Crush.
: Weak against: Electricity, Acid
: Resists: Crush, Trauma.
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level 60 stats|Level 60: 275 Armor, 559 Health, 93 Dmg.}}
; [[Trained Crushing Bear]] Tamed at level 40: 225 Armor, 200 Health, 30 Dmg, Slash / Crush. Found in Goblin dungeon.
: Special Abilities: Slash + Taunt 300, Crush + Stun.
: Weak against: Electricity, Acid
: Resists: Crush, Trauma.
; [[Graz]] Tamed at level 40: 284 Armor, 196 Health, 43 Dmg, Slash / Crush. Mini-boss in Goblin dungeon.
: Special Abilities: Slash + Self-Heal100, Crush + Stun.
: Weak against Electricity Acid
: Resists: Crush, Trauma.
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level 60 stats|Level 60: 608 Armor, 367 Health, 93 Dmg.}}
; [[Tundra Bear]] Tamed at level 68: 530 Armor, 702 Health, 114 Dmg, Slash / Crush.
: Special Abilities: Slash + Taunt 300, Cold mitigation for owner +25.
: Weak against Electricity Acid
: Resists: Crush, Trauma, Ice (very).
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level max stats|Bond Level 70: 600 Armor, 982 Health, 238 Dmg.}}
→Bears: Removed repeated information.
=== Bears ===
Bears are difficult to tame, requiring 40 Levels of [[Animal Handling]], but are loyal partners. Some bears deal heavy damage, while others act as tanks. Most bears are weak against Electricity and Acid damage.
category = Animal Handling Creatures
columns = 3
; [[Tundra Bear]] Tamed at level 68: 530 Armor, 702 Health, 114 Dmg, Slash / Crush.
: Special Abilities: Slash + Taunt 300, Cold mitigation for owner +25.
: Weak against Electricity Acid
: Resists: Crush, Trauma, Ice (very).
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level max stats|Bond Level 70: 600 Armor, 982 Health, 238 Dmg.}}