Updated page to template.
__NOTOC__{{MAP infobox | name = Kur Mountains | mapimage = [[File:FaeRealmMarkedMap.jpg|400px]] | connects = [[Winter Nexus]] | pclevel = 70-80 | temperature = Normal | image = [[File:FaeRealmsNight.png|400px]] | portaldesc = '''The Fae RealmDistant Terminal'''- You can faintly hear bees buzzing.}}{{Quote|source=[[]]|A new explorable area has been added to the game on Aug 25th 2019. ! It's for those hardy adventurers who can already survive the dangers of [[Gazluk]]. Being another plane of existence, it's not especially easy to reach. There is an entry method via the [[Winter Nexus ]] dungeon, and there is also a way in via one of the caves in [[Gazluk]].
This area is a work in progress -- it will eventually also be the starting location for the playable fairy race, so you'll notice a few empty shop stalls, some suspiciously empty ruins, etc., which will be filled in later.
The [[Fae Realm]] is actually one of many Fae Realms ruled over by whichever Fairy Court holds the throne. With the recent changeover to the Winter Court, the Winter Queen has been making advances to subjugate all other Fae. In this [[Fae Realm]], accessible through the [[Winter Nexus]] and a one-way portal chest from [[Amaluk Valley Cave]], a resistance to the Winter Queen hides, aided by one aspect of [[Agrashab]].
== Neighboring Regions ==
; [[Winter Nexus]]
: A rocky, troll infested cavern captured by the Winter Court. This dungeon has split the [[Fae Realm]] from [[Sun Vale]].
==Points of Interest==
==== POI #1 ====
Description of POI #1
==== POI #2 ====
Description of POI #2
== Dungeons ==
category = Fae Realm Dungeons
mode = unordered
columns = 3
==== XXX====
The Fae Realm has no accessible dungeons.
== Teleportation Circles ==
There are 0 Council constructed Teleportation Circles in the [[Fae Realm]].
==== Mushroom Circles ====
There are 2 Mushroom Circles in the [[Fae Realm]].
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Inhabitants ==
==== Friendly NPCs ====
category = Fae Realm NPCs
notcategory = Event NPCs
mode = unordered
columns = 3
==== Event NPCs ====
category = Fae Realm NPCs
category = Event NPCs
mode = unordered
columns = 3
category = Fae Realm Creatures
notcategory = Bosses
mode = unordered
columns = 3
===Special Foes===
category = Fae Realm Creatures
category = Bosses
mode = unordered
columns = 3
== Harvestables ==
<!-- List of harvestable items. Sort by type (Fish, Fruit, Plants, Wood, Mushrooms, Minerals & Metal, Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous includes graves, eggs, and other stuff. -->
==== Fish ====
==== Fruit ====
|{{Item|Red Apple}}
==== Plants ====
|{{Item|Bluebell Seeds}}
|{{Item|Red Aster Seeds}}
== Events ==
The [[Fae Realm]] hosts no events.
<!-- List of events here -->
<gallery mode="nolines" widths=300px>
File:FaeRealmFireMountain.png|One of many hills in the Fae Realm, this one is on fire!
== Trivia ==
* The [[Fae Realm]] was added on August 25, 2019.
[[Category:Template guides]][[Category:Zones]]