Updated to template.
A nature spirit asked you to help remove invasive fish from the Serbule docks.
To start this quest, angle near or on the docks in '''[[Serbule]]'''.
You can hear me, can you not? Then you are more than a mere fishmonger! You've taken fish, now can you give back to the sea?
Pinfish have invaded this brackish water. They are out-competing us. It's not fair, it isn't right.
*Angle Pinfish from Serbule Docks x10.
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Angling: Invasive Species|
Thank you, fisher, for helping find balance! I will teach you a way to practice your craft without taking unnecessary fish. Take what you need, but remember balance.
I mean, except for those asshole pinfish! You should eat those pan-fried.}}
* 600 XP in [[Angling]].
* Recipe: Panfried Pinfish
* Ability: Catch and Release 1
[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Serbule Quests]][[Category:Quests/Angling Quests]]