,→Fishing Zones
=== Fishing Zones ===
Fishing Zones, sometimes refereed to as ''Allowed Fishing Zones'', are a system used by the game to break up which fish and items can be angled within a zone. Most zones have multiple Fishing Zones. There are 14 Fishing Zones identifiable by quests, these are identified by single-word names. Zones which have spaces in their names are player-identified and do not have associated quests. Some zones are quest-specific and are otherwise identical to their surroundings. An example of this is ''EltibuleWaterfall'' and ''Eltibule West Lake''.
; [[Serbule]]
* SerbuleMoat
* SerbuleDocks
; [[Serbule Hills]]- 2 Fishing Zones* Serbule2Lake4- Level 10* Serbule Hills West lake - Level 10; [[Eltibule]]- 4 Fishing Zones* EltibuleWaterfall- Level 15* Eltibule West Lake - Level 15* EltibuleSoutheast- Level 20* Eltibule Northeast Lakes- Level 30
; [[Sun Vale]] - 5 Fishing Zones
* Northeast Resort Island - Level 25
; [[Ilmari]] - 3 Fishing Zones
* Desert1HotSpring - Level 35 (Dorado, Pike, Trout, Sunfish)
* Southwest South Spring - Level 40 (Pike, Sunfish, Walleye)* Northern North Pond - Level 50; [[Rahu]]- 3 Fishing Zones* RahuDocks- Level 45* Rahu City Pond - Level 55* Rahu Desert Pond - Level 60; [[Povus]]- 5 Fishing Zones* PovusTownProper- Level 50* PovusOrcLandsMain- Level 65* Povus West Shore - Level 60* PovusUpperLakesEast- Level 55* Povus South Shore - Level 70
== Quests ==