,→Angling Accessories
* {{Item|Angler's Luck Charm}} - A small tasteful Enoyos amulet. - Angling Hook-Fish Time -1 Second.
* {{Item|Angler's Determination Charm}} - A large, reasonably discrete Enoyos amulet. - Angling Hook-Fish Time -2 Seconds.
* {{Item|Ring of Angling}} - A thin ring made of white gold. - Angling Capture Time -+1 Second.
=== Fishing Zones ===
Fishing Zones, sometimes refereed to as ''Allowed Fishing Zones'', are a system used by the game to break up which fish and items can be angled within a zone. Most zones have multiple Fishing Zones. There are 14 Fishing Zones identifiable by quests, these are identified by single-word names. Zones which have spaces in their names are player-identified and do not have associated quests.