Sun Vale
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| portaldesc = Also known as "The Fae Lands"
'''[[Sun Vale]]''' is a large wooded area with alien plants and fauna that have found their way in from the fairy realm. [[Fae|Fairies]] are common here, wreaking havoc and causing mischief. The vale is on a mountainous island nestled between [[Council Lands|The Council Lands]] and the elven country of [[Verta]]. Most of the island is rocky and uninhabitable, but a narrow valley is teeming with life for some strange reason.
This explorable exploreable area is intended for players '''level 30 and above'''. There are outposts in this forest, but they aren't meant for the likes of you. Without spoiling too much, it’s safe to say that the land is full of dark fairies, bringing unique magics, items, monsters, and techniques into the game ([[Druid]] and [[Hammer]]). Perhaps you can find a way to “make friends” with the locals...