,→Conversations: Added more conversation.
Head into the legling training area. Go past the gardening practice area. When the path forks, go left to find the clubbers. They're born knowing how to fight, but they need to build up their muscle mass and train their coordination. So now is the time to strike, while they're weak!
;'''I have questions about your background...'''
I didn't expect an evil human to be inquisitive... that's weird. But yes, I will answer. What's your question?
;''' Why are you helping me?'''
;'''What is this place?'''
:This is a Ranalon den. A takeover den, to be specific: our god Enoyos collected some ranalon eggs in a waterspout and hurled them deep inland. We get to make inroads towards our Goal, and Enoyos maintains plausible deniability to the other gods.
:;'''So you're here to takeover Serbule Hills?'''
: To start, yes. We'll grow and spread until we meet other takeover dens. Eventually we'll subjugate enough of the continent that a real ranalon force can be transported here: military, assault weapons, royalty, the works. Takeover dens are just the first wave. And once this continent has fallen, Enoyos can proceed with the goal.
;'''Tell me about Enoyos.'''
: Enoyos is the god of the oceans. We ranalon are one of his chosen races. We are the race best able to survive on land, so he helps us spread to distant lands, and in return we subjugate the lands in his name. In my homeland of [[Fosulf]], not all ranalons worship Enoyos... but all of the eggs that arrived here were from devoted followers. So everyone here is born loving Enoyos, and most die loving Enoyos.
;'''What's this "great Goal?"'''
: Oh, the Goal is just to flood the world. Enoyos will raise the oceans until most of the land is underwater. There will still be mountains and other tall places for a few land-walkers to live, though. So don't worry. You will die, but your race will probably survive. At least for a time.
: Enoyos has promised my race that we will have fertile marshlands and beautiful swamps to live in. However, I don't think it's going to work out quite like that...
: I think Enoyos will just wash all unbelieving ranalons out to sea when he finally takes control of the world. He won't make any new marshlands, but his faithful will have their paradise: the same paradise some other ranalon is enjoying right now. There are many billions of us at home, you see. Quite overcrowded.
;'''What does Enoyos need to complete his Goal?'''
: I don't know the whole plan, of course. I know Enoyos needs a strong ranalon force in every country in the world. And I know Enoyos has a plan to stop [[Dreva]]. Dreva has been becoming more and more of a problem in recent years... you druids are everywhere!
:;'''I'm not a druid.'''
::Oh! really? I assumed that any expertly-trained guerrilla warrior that infiltrated our den would be a druid. Hmm, maybe Enoyos has more trouble brewing than he realizes. What god sent you then?
::...Actually, you know what? Never mind. I'm sure your god is great and all, but I'm not interested in a sales pitch. I'm glad you're here, and let's leave it at that!
:;'''How did you know I was a druid?'''
::Well, we assume that when expertly trained warriors infiltrate our dens on vicious guerrilla missions... they're druids. I mean, you're obviously not part of an army! Just a guerrilla warrior for [[Dreva]]. I'm not bashing Dreva, though: I want him to win, after all!
[[Category:Fish and Snail]][[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Ranalon Den NPCs]]