::: Pixies are violent carnivores. Most possess low intellect; the smartest are dangerously cunning and will lay traps for the unwary, but they do not seem capable of self-reflection. In summary, they are damaged, corrupted creatures.
::: '''Ar the pixies being led by someone?'''
::: Perhaps. The number of pixies in this region has increased 5040% in the past two years, this increase is why I arrived. Given the timing, it is likely that the [[Winter Queen]] is somehow involved in their arrival.::: Pixies are not normally capable of laying traps on other worlds, yet they have lured several mortals from your world under false pretenses. This further suggests that a fae creature has some control over them. However, that is the extent of my present knowledge.
:: ''' Tell me about yourself.'''
::: My race was once mortal, but we ascended beyond that form countless years ago. Having tired of exploring the multicosmos, some of my kind seek purpose in aiding others. That is why I am here. And that is all that need be shared about us.
:: ''' Tell me about this place.'''
::: This world is designated 'U39' by the cartographers of the [[Fairy Court]]. Since it is located deep in the heart of the Fairy domain, I also use this name out of respect for their sovereignty. However, a potent fae spirit has laid claim to this world and does not appreciate the name. To avoid conflict, I simply avoid referring to the world by any name while in [[Agrashab]]'s presence.
::: This particular land area on U39 is known as Sun Vale by some locals, and as Troll Vale by others. I have also heard other names for this region, but none seem to be gaining popularity. Names are very interesting to me. I would bequeath more insight here i I had any.
:: ''' Tell me about Agrashab.'''
::: [[Agrashab]] is a fae spirit of considerable potency, with an extraordinarily broad active region consisting of over 600 fae worlds.::: You are no doubt familiar with 'Nature Spirits,' which are essentially the same species? Fae spirits have much broader physical reach due to the nature of this universe compared to your own, but even so, very few fae spirits can manifest on hundreds of worlds... and Agrashab can manifest on hundreds of worlds at the same time!::: [[Agrashab]] has negotiated a seat at the [[Fairy Court]], meaning that his voice carries the same weight as one of the fairy houses. But I presume that diplomacy has failed, for the [[Winter Queen]]'s edicts definitely affect this world - until Agrashab is able to rescind them. This conflict seems to be growing in scope and danger. ::: [[Agrashab]]'s local avatar resides northwest, it would be wise to pay your respects when convenient. Agrashab is considered friendly to most mortals and immortals, aside from those of the [[Winter Court]], and a few creatures that displease him.::: For clarity, I feel the need to reiterate the most important issue: If Agrashab is unable to protect this world, it will freeze solid for the duration of the [[Winter Queen]]'s reign. This would be detrimental to my work with the local pixies, so please assist Agrashab in preventing that outcome.
: '''So they're strong against psychic damage?'''
:: Indeed they are, as I said.